


2017/08/14 05:13:34 编辑: 浏览次数:242 移动端

  有人说,聪明和愚蠢有时候仅是一线之隔,而这条线两边的不同决定导致的结果也会完全不一样。这条线就叫做stupid line(愚蠢线)。

  It&aposs rerred to by some as "the stupid line," the line one crosses from taking a smart risk to taking a stupid risk. It&aposs the difference between, say, learning to mountain climb with the proper gear or just setting out on your own. Or maybe choosing to leave your 10-year-old alone in a room with a lit fireplace, compared to leaving your one-year-old. The consequences of one choice are much different than the other.


  For example:

  We each have a line of choice that separates smart risk from stupid risk. Where will you draw your stupid line? (Source: Word Spy)


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