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  Passengers pat the plane when they board, as if to make sure it&aposs solid. Some kiss thuselage, or even break into the same little dance, at the doorway every time they fly. If theypeer into the cockpit, they may see pilots&apos hats hanging with family pictures stuffed inside forgood luck.


  Even airlines have set ideas about good and bad mojo, down to a list of verboten flightnumbers: No one ever schedules Flight 13.


  Travel is chock full of little superstitions, fluky talismans and fatul traditions, such as retiringthe flight numbers of crashed planes. Of 102 airlines tracked by SeatGuru.com, 25 around theworld have no Row 13s on their planes.


  Bore it merged with United Airlines, Continental Airlines avoided the number 13 religiously: nogate 13s at hub airports, no row 13s on airplanes.

  在与联合航空(United Airlines)合并之前,大陆航空 (Continental Airlines)严格地避用13这个数字:中枢机场没有13号登机口,飞机上也没有第13排座位。

  Veterans from the airline say the triskaidekaphobia followed the crash of Flight 1713 in Denverin 1987. &aposAfter that, a lot of 13s were taken out of Continental Airlines,&apos said an executive whoworked there at the time.


  Construction workers top airport control towers with a ceremonial cedar tree, a constructiontradition for good luck. Airlines sometimes put perceived lucky numbers on flights to gamblingdestinations, such as Southwest Airlines Flight 711 from San Antonio to Las Vegas.

  建筑工人会在机场控制塔的顶部放一棵典礼用的雪松树,这是建筑业祈求好运的传统。有时候,航空公司还会给飞往博彩城市的航班安排所谓的幸运号码作为航班号,比如美国西南航空(Southwest Airlines)从 安东尼奥飞往拉斯维加斯的航班号就是711。

  Alaska Airlines flies many Canadian customers from Las Vegas to Bellingham, Wash., so itnumbered the flight 649, a spokeswoman says, because Canada&aposs lottery is called Lotto 6/49.

  阿拉斯加航空(Alaska Airlines)一名女发言人称,该公司常常运送许多加拿大旅客从拉斯维加斯飞往华盛顿州的贝灵哈姆,所以他们把这趟航班编为649号,因为加拿大的彩票名为乐透(Lotto) 6/49。

  Airlines say tradition calls for them to retire flight numbers of crashed jets. Alaska Airlines saysthat in addition to 13, 666 and 911, it will never number a flight 261 out of respect to thevictims of the Flight 261 crash in 2000. US Airways hasn&apost used Flight 1549 since the 2009crash that saw pilot Chesley Sullenberger famously land his crippled plane in New York&apossHudson River, saving all on board.

  各航空公司称,按照惯例,他们得取消失事飞机的航班号。阿拉斯加航空称,除了13、666和911这几个数字外,它也绝不安排261号航班,这是出于对2000年失事的261号航班遇难者的尊重。全美航空(US Airways)则在它的1549号航班2009年发生事故后,就再也没有用过这个航班号。当时该航班的飞行员切斯利・萨伦贝格(Chesley Sullenberger)将发生故障的飞机迫降在纽约的哈德逊河,挽救了机上所有人员的性命,他也因此声名远播。

  American Airlines and United both retired flight numbers from the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.American and Delta Air Lines both had fatal crashes of Flight 191s, and so no longer use thatnumber.

  美国航空与联合航空均取消了在9・11恐怖袭击中坠毁的飞机的航班号。此外,美国航空与达美航空(DeltaAir Lines)均有191号航班发生过致人死亡的坠机事故,因此都不再采用该编号。

  Indeed, 191 has been involved in several aviation accidents, from the 1967 crash of an X-15experimental military plane flying as Flight 191 to the crash of Comair Flight 5191 in 2006that killed 49 people in Lexington, Ky. Last year, JetBlue Airways Flight 191 diverted toAmarillo, Texas, after the captain displayed alarming behavior, was locked out of the cockpit andrestrained by passengers.

  确实,191这个数字与好几起航空事故有关。例如,1967年一架编为191航班的X-15军用实验飞机坠毁;2006年,Comair航空公司的5191号航班在肯塔基州列克星敦市失事,造成49人丧生。去年,捷蓝航空(JetBlue Airways)一趟191号航班的机长表现出危险行为,被乘客锁在驾驶舱外并被制服,而后该航班改道飞往得克萨斯的阿马里洛。

  Many airlines and airports insist that the lack of row 13s or gate 13s isn&apost the result ofsuperstitions. Rather, they often skip numbers so that gates and rows can be rearrangedwithout having to renumber every gate or row, and to provide uniform seat numbers acrossdifferent types of airplanes. United, for example, always starts the first mid-cabin exit row ofcoach at Row 20. Still, many planes follow row 12 with row 14.


  United doesn&apost have an aversion to Row 13, and has one on many of its planes, a spokesmansaid, adding he didn&apost know where Continental&aposs avoidance of the number started. When itsfleet merged with Continental, however, row numbering was standardized so planes could beeasily swapped, and so Row 13 is skipped on all Boeing 737s and most versions of the 757.


  Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, a former Continental Airlines hub, has no Gate 13s. Aspokeswoman says she polled airport employees and could not determine how that came tobe. &aposIt&aposs all bore any of us were probably born,&apos she said.


  Most travelers know flying is statistically safer than driving, but there&aposs still unease for manypassengers when metal machines dy gravity. And superstitions dating to the early dayswhen flying was riskier have persisted. Flight attendants suggest the increased stresses oftravel have led to increased comfort mechanisms -- little habits to ease minds and reassure.


  As a lead flight attendant, Bobby Laurie greets passengers at the front of the airplane duringboarding, and has observed an increasing number of superstitious habits, from tapping andkissing the plane to jigs and dances in the jetway. When he asks, some people say familymembers have done it and they&aposve been told it brings good luck.

  作为一名乘务长,博比・劳里(Bobby Laurie)要在登机时段在飞机前部迎接旅客。他注意到迷信行为越来越多,从轻拍、轻吻机身到在登机桥跳舞,形式多种多样。在他询问原因时,有些旅客说,他们的家人都这么做,而且告诉他们说这会带来好运。

  &aposEvery day I see a lot of the same mannerisms,&apos he said. &aposBoarding is like watching a showsometimes.&apos


  Two regulars on flights between Los Angeles and Washington wear the same shirt wheneverflying, Mr. Laurie said. Some people travel with the same blanket. One woman insisted a stuffedmonkey be belted in with her on every flight for good luck. &aposSome people haveemotional-support animals. Some people have emotional-support shirts,&apos he said.


  Others just have habits that they need to repeat on every flight. Brian Cohen&aposs firstinternational flight, to Paris during his college years, included listening to the 1975 Elton Johnalbum &aposCaptain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy&apos on a borrowed Sony Walkman.

  其他一些旅客则在每趟航班上都习惯性地重复做一件事。布赖恩・科恩(Brian Cohen) 读大学时第一次乘坐国际航班去巴黎,当时他借了一个索尼随身听,用来听埃尔顿・约翰1975年的专辑《奇异船长与黄沙牛仔》(Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy)。

  Every time since on international flights, he has played the same songs at the same phase offlight. He tries to make it look like his headphones are plugged into the plane&aposs entertainmentsystem and hides his player to avoid scolding from flight attendants about electronic-devicerules.


  The song &aposBitter Fingers&apos is timed so the second chorus plays as the jet is taking off. (If thlight is delayed, he plays the previous song over and over. That&aposs easier to do in the digitalmusic era than when he used a cassette tape.) &aposSomeone Saved My Life Tonight&apos comes on asthe plane is soaring to cruising altitude.

  他还会计算好《苦涩手指》(Bitter Fingers)这首歌的播放时间,以便使第二段副歌刚好在飞机起飞时开始播放。(如果航班延误,他会不断地播放前一首歌。在数字音乐时代,这么做要比他还在用卡式磁带的时候简单。)在飞机呼啸着爬升至飞行高度时,随身听播放的是《今夜有人救了我》(Someone Saved My LifeTonight)这首歌。

  &aposI call it a pleasurable tradition, not a superstition,&apos said Mr. Cohen, who lives in Atlanta.


  He, too, says he sees more people with more habits these days, such as crossing themselvesbore takeoff. He thinks it&aposs more because of stress than fear of flying. And some flyingtraditions, such as applauding when a plane lands, are just annoying, he notes.


  Of course, not everyone in the travel industry bows to superstition. The Las Vegas Hotel,formerly the Las Vegas Hilton and a huge structure deeply rooted in the Mecca of U.S.gambling, has Floor 13. Most Vegas hotels, like many hotels and office buildings around theworld, skip what is considered an unlucky number, and label floors so that 14 follows 12, oreven 12A.

  当然,并非旅游业内的每一个人都会顺从迷信。拉斯维加斯酒店(原为拉斯维加斯希尔顿酒店(Las VegasHilton))是一家深深植根于这个美国博彩业 地的大酒店,它就设有第13层。与世界各地的众多酒店和写字楼一样,拉斯维加斯的大多数酒店会跳过被人认为不吉利的数字,在12层后直接安排14层甚或是12A层。

  In addition to Flight 13, most airlines avoid using 666, the Biblical &aposnumber of the beast.&apos Butnot Finnair, which whimsically flies Flight 666 from Copenhagen to Helsinki. Which means flierscan, on a daily basis, take Flight 666 to HEL. (That&aposs Helsinki&aposs international airport code.)

  除了13号航班外,大多数航空公司也不采用666这个《 经》中的“魔鬼数字”,芬兰航空(Finnair)却是一个例外。该公司从哥本哈根飞往赫尔辛基的航班就是666号,这一点确实比较古怪。也就是说,旅客每天都可以乘坐666号航班飞往“HEL”(赫尔辛基国际机场的代号,与意指地狱的“hell”同音)。

  Finnair said in a statement that it has carried the number for years: &aposThe 666 superstition isnot such a big thing here in Finland, and we&aposve never had a reason to change the flightnumber, so it stays.&apos


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