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一个密歇根男人在对着邻居的窗边竖立了一个巨大的竖中指铜像——这个邻居正好是他的前妻。59岁的Alan Markovitz是底特律一个脱衣舞俱乐部老板,他在自己位于Orchard Lake的别墅后院打造了一个12英尺高的显眼铜像。
A person who appears to be the daughter of Markovitz&aposs ex-wife Lea Tuohy tweeted about the sculpture.
Markovitz前妻Lea Tuohy的女儿在twitter上曝光了了这个雕像。
&aposHow psychotic do you have to be to buy the house directly next to your ex wife and then put a statue up like that?!?! Real classy alan,&apos Lenka Tuohy tweeted November 11.
Lenka Tuohy11月11日在twitter上发布此图并说道:“你是有多神经病才会非要在前妻住处旁边买一座房子,然后竖个这样的雕像?!真是高端!”
According to the Detroit Free Press, Alan Markovitz moved into the home with his daughter Tiffany. Markovitz is a well-known character around Detroit.
据《底特律自由报》消息,Alan Markovitz是和女儿Tiffany一起搬进这里的,Markovitz是底特律一带家喻户晓的人物。
He began opening strip clubs on Detroit&aposs infamous Eight Mile in the 1980s. Since then, he&aposs been shot twice (once in the face), had a Mob contract out on his life, sued by exoticdancers and, according to Real Detroit Weekly, once had an ex-girlfriend drive her Pontiac Fiero through the front door of one of his clubs.
他于20世纪80年代在底特律臭名昭著的Eight Mile经营脱衣舞郎俱乐部。在那之后他受过两次枪击(有一次被击中脸部),有聚众闹事经历,被脱衣舞女起诉,而且,据《Real Detroit Weekly》周刊介绍,曾有一位他的前女友驾驶庞蒂亚克·菲罗汽车从他的俱乐部门前经过。
A self-penned book about his adventures, Topless Prophet: The True Story of America&aposs Most Successful Gentleman&aposs Club Entrepreneur, was published in 2009.
他亲自操刀的冒险经历自传《Topless Prophet: The True Story of America&aposs Most Successful Gentleman&aposs Club Entrepreneur》2009年出版。
His latest endeavor is am HBO/Cinemax reality show called Topless Prophet, which isslated to air early next year.
他的最新活动是HBO/Cinemax一档名为《Topless Prophet》的真人秀,该节目预计明年初播出。
Deadline Detroit reports that Markovitz was married for two years to a woman who he says was cheating on him with someone he knew.
《Deadline Detroit》报道称Markovitz与一个女人结婚两年,Markovitz声称这个女人跟一个他认识的男人偷情。
She reportedly moved in with the man after she and Markovitz had split up. &aposI&aposm so over her,&apos Markovitz told Deadline Detroit. &aposThis is about him. This is about him not being a man.&apos
When a friend tweeted that Alan&aposs gesture was making him &aposlook like an idiot,&apos Tuohyconcurred: &aposLike lol someone&aposs not over my momma!&apos
According to Deadline Detroit, the sculpture cost $7,000. But flipping off your ex-wife every single day? For Markovitz, it&aposs priceless.
据《Deadline Detroit》报道,这座铜像总造价7000美元,但对Markovitz来说,每天对前妻竖中指,这钱花得值得……
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