

小狗酷似希特勒 蹿红网络.

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  When Lynda Whitehead introduced her new puppy Patch to her family, she didn’t realise quite how much of a führer he would cause.

  For while the cute seven-week-old is quiet and cuddly, her daughter spotted his uncannyresemblance to Adolf Hitler.

  A dark mark on his top lip mirrors the Fuhrer&aposs famous moustache. And another large brown area over his lt ear completes the look of the 20th Century dictator.


  But, according to his owner, the resemblance ends there as Patch - unlike Hitler - has a lovable temperament.


  The tiny puppy, a cross between French bulldog and a shih tzu, has two brothers and lives with owner Lynda in York.


  She said no-one calls him by his real name any more and Patch is starting to obey orders - as &aposAdolf&apos or &aposHitler&apos.


  Mrs Whitehead said: &aposNone of us noticed the likeness until we put a photo on Facebook and my eldest daughter saw it and said ‘You&aposve got a little Hitler there".


  Mrs Whitehead added: &aposHe is a lovely little thing. All of them are, but he is the gentlest of them all. He will sit on your lap and just look at you until he falls asleep.


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