

廉价咖啡 cheappuccino.

2017/08/14 03:56:17 编辑: 浏览次数:397 移动端

  很多在中国的老外都喜欢去7 Eleven便利店买廉价咖啡,英文叫cheappuccino,虽然没有星巴克的卡布奇诺好喝,但是价格便宜,而且喝了一样提神。

  Cheappuccino rers to any of the wide variety of flavored coffee drinks offered at convenience stores such as Circle K or 7 Eleven that can be purchased for less than half the price of a Starbucks cappuccino.

  廉价咖啡指的是像Circle K或7 Eleven这样的便利店卖的各种口味的咖啡饮料,价钱还不到星巴克一杯卡布奇诺的一半。


  Let&aposs stop by the Circle K for some cheappuccinos tonight. It&aposs gonna be freaking cold, and all I&aposve got is $1.25 in my wallet.

  咱们今晚在Circle K停一下买几杯廉价咖啡吧。天气到时候会非常冷,而我钱包里只剩1.25美元了。


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