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Shinzo Abe has become the first Japanese prime minister to visit Yasukuni shrine in seven years, provoking anger in China where the controversial war memorial is reviled as a symbol of Japanese imperialism.为纪念执政一周年,安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)周四参拜了靖国神社(Yasukuni shrine),此举引发中国的愤怒。安倍是7年来首位参拜靖国神社(Yasukuni shrine)的日本在任首相。为纪念战争而建的靖国神社备受争议。在中国,它被斥为日本军国主义的象征。
Mr Abe worshipped at the shrine on Thursday to mark the first anniversary of his administration. Members of his cabinet had visited Yasukuni on significant dates this year, but the premier himself had stayed away out of what analysts and government officials had said was derence to Japan’s Asian neighbours.安倍内阁成员已经在今年的一些重要日子参拜过靖国神社,但首相本人此前一直避免参拜,分析人士和政府官员此前称,他之所以没有参拜,是出于对亚洲邻邦的尊重。
Yasukuni houses the souls of 2.5m soldiers killed in various military campaigns, in addition to 14 men convicted as Class-A war criminals by the Tokyo War Tribunal.靖国神社供奉着在不同战役中战死的250万名日本士兵,以及14名被远东国际军事法庭定罪的甲级战犯。
Reuters cited the Chinese foreign ministry as saying on Thursday: “We solemnly urge Japan to abide by its commitment to rlect on its history of aggression, take measures to correct its error, eliminate the adverse fects and take concrete actions to win the trust of its Asian neighbours and the international community.”路透社(Reuters)援引了中国外交部周四的说法。中国外交部表示:“我们严正敦促日方信守反省侵略历史的承诺,采取措施纠正错误,消除恶劣影响,以实际行动取信于亚洲邻国和国际社会。”
Thursday’s visit chimed with what many see as a deepening focus on rightwing causes by Mr Abe, who for most of his first year in office had prioritised his “Abenomics” campaign to reenergise the economy.在许多人看来,安倍日益专注于他的右翼运动,而周四的参拜是顺理成章的结果。在任期首年的大部分时间内,安倍的工作重点是推行“安倍经济学”计划,以重振日本经济。
Mr Abe has recently pushed an unpopular official secrets act through parliament and is taking steps to strengthen the military and loosen restrictions on its participation in foreign conflicts.安倍近期推动国会通过了一项不受民众欢迎的《特定秘密保护法》,并正采取措施增强军事力量、以及放宽对日本介入海外冲突的限制。
The last serving Japanese prime minister to visit Yasukuni was Junichiro Koizumi, in 2006. Mr Koizumi’s regular attendance enraged China and sparked a prolonged suspension of top-level government contact between the two countries.上一次日本首相在任内参拜靖国神社是在2006年。当时,时任日本首相小泉纯一郎(Junichiro Koizumi)参拜了靖国神社。小泉纯一郎后来又屡次参拜靖国神社,这激怒了中国,并导致中日两国政府间高层往来长期中断。
Ironically, it was Mr Abe who repaired the fault by staying away from the shrine during his first stint as prime minister from 2006-2007. This time round, however, relations have only worsened amid a bitter stand-off over control of the Japanese-administered Senkaku Islands, which China claims and calls the Diaoyu.讽刺的是,弥补那次过失的正是安倍本人,他在2006-2007年首次担任首相期间没有参拜靖国神社。但在安倍的这次首相任期内,中日两国就尖阁诸岛 (Senkaku Islands)——中国称其为钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿——的控制权发生严重对峙,双方关系反而进一步恶化。日本眼下对尖阁诸岛实施管辖,但中国宣称对该群岛拥有主权。
Japanese media suggested that, with little prospect of a rapprochement in sight, Mr Abe may have felt he had little to lose by visiting the shrine. On taking office a year ago he said he “painfully regretted” having stayed away during his first term as premier, and his many conservative supporters expected him to make what they see as a patriotic show of respect to Japan’s war dead.日本媒体表示,由于中日和解的希望渺茫,安倍可能觉得参拜靖国神社不会“造成多少损失”。一年前就任首相时,安倍晋三曾表示,自己对首次担任首相期间没有参拜靖国神社“深感后悔”,而他的许多保守派支持者也期待他参拜靖国神社,这在他们眼中是向日本战争死难者致敬的爱国之举。
“As a leader, it is my duty to join hands with those who lest their families behind and sacrificed themselves on the battlield,” Mr Abe said.安倍表示:“作为领导人,我有责任与那些抛家舍业、在战场上牺牲的人站在一起。”
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