


2017/08/14 03:37:15 编辑: 浏览次数:324 移动端

  Psychology: Pseudo-Psychologies - From Planets to Palms


  Pseudo-psychologies ("pseudo-" means false) are dubious and unfounded systems ofpredicting behavior that superficially resemble psychology. What are some of thesepseudo-psychologies? Why do some people accept them as valid?


  Probably the most popular pseudo-psychology is astrology. It is based on the assumptionthat the position of the planets and stars at the time of a person&aposs birth determines personalitycharacteristics and affects behavior. Palmistry, another pseudo-psychology, claims that thelines in the hand are indicators of personality and the person&aposs future.


  Graphology, a third pseudo-psychology, indicates that personality is revealed by a person&aposshandwriting. Although graphology is only moderately popular in the United States, somecompanies in this country use handwriting analysis to evaluate job applicants. Even thoughgraphology is dinitely valuable in detecting forgeries, carul test of accuracy inpsychological studies have shown that graphologists score close to zero in rating personality.


  Another pseudo-psychology, phrenology, was started in the nineteenth century by a Germananatomy teacher, Franz Gall. His theory was that personality was revealed by bumps on theskull. Phrenologists assumed that parts of the brain governed different personalitycharacteristics. It was thought that - like muscles - parts of the brain that were used moreoften tended to get bigger. In turn, these enlarged areas pushed on the skull causing bumps.With advances in neurology, this was shown to be impossible, and phrenology declined.Although some brain areas do have specific functions, they are not directly related to specificpersonality traits.


  Why do these pseudo-psychologies survive and retain their popularity? One factor is the P.T. Barnum fect. P. T. Barnum, a famous circus showman, had a formula for success - "Always have a little something for everybody." Read the following personality description.


  You have a strong need for other people to like you and for them to admire you. You have atendency to be critical of yourself. You have a great deal of unused energy, which you havenot turned to your advantage. While you have some personality weaknesses, you are generallyable to compensate for them. Your sexual adjustment has presented some problems for you.Disciplined and controlled on the outside, you tend to be worrisome and insecure inside. Attimes you have some doubts as to whether you have made the right decision or done the rightthing. You prer a certain amount of change and variety and become dissatisfied whenhemmed-in by restrictions and limitations. You pride yourself on being an independent thinkerand do not accept others opinions without satisfactory proof. You have found it unwise to betoo frank in revealing yourself to others. At times, you are extroverted, affable, sociable,while at other times, you are introverted, wary and reserved. Some of your aspirations tendto be pretty unrealistic.


  Does this describe you? A psychologist read this summary individually to 79 students, whohad taken a personality test. Of the students, 29 said the description was "excellent." 30 saidit was "good," 15 said it was "average," but only 5 said it was "poor." Thus only 5 of the 79thought the description - supposedly determined from the personality test - wasinadequate.


  Barnum&aposs method works because of the fallacy of positive instances. Because people tend toremember whatever confirms their expectations and forget the rest, an illusion of accuracy iscreated. If you still doubt this, read all 12 of the daily horoscopes in the newspaper for severaldays. You will find that the predictions of the other signs will fit you as well as your own.Although astrology has a highly developed system that makes it look like a science, studieshave repeatedly shown it to have no scientific validity. In addition, astrologists still can&apostexplain why the moment of birth should be more important than the moment of conception indetermining personality. (It is most likely because the exact time of birth can be determined,but the moment of conception cannot.

  巴纳姆的理论之所以奏效是因为正例谬误效应。人们倾向于记下那些符合他们期望的,无论那是什么,而忘掉剩下的,因此产生这份描述“准确”的错觉。(注:所谓的正例谬误效应,是指人们由于只关注与自己期望相符的信息而忽略其他信息所产生的知觉错误。在生活中,正例谬误效应有很多实际的体现,当你看表时,你是否会觉得“怎么老是11:11(或者是其他你觉得特殊的数字)”而实际上,如果你记录每次看表时的时间,你会发现这个特殊数字并没有比别的时间多。要克服正例谬误效应比较难,因为人天生喜欢相信神奇的事情,况且大多数情况下对方给出的都是一些取悦你的话(无批判接受顺言 uncritical acceptance),你是女的就说你气质好,男的就说你有天赋,人又是自恋的,想不相信都不行。)如果你依然对此持怀疑态度,请连续几天阅读报纸上12个星座的每日星座运势,你会发现其他星座的预测就像你自己星座的预测一样,与你的情况相符。尽管占星学有一套发达的系统,它看起来像是真正的科学,但研究已经一而再再而三的证实占星学和科学根本沾不上关系。而且,占星术依然无法解释在决定性格时,为什么出生时刻比怀孕时刻更重要。(最有可能的解释是出生时间可以被确知,而怀孕时间不能确定。)

  For most people, astrology is a harmless and entertaining pastime. However, uncriticalacceptance of any system leads to problems. Rather than trying to "put down" those whobelieve in these pseudo-psychologies, this article is trying to make you a more critical observerof human behavior and to clarify what is - and what is not - psychology.



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