


2017/08/14 03:15:55 编辑: 浏览次数:227 移动端

  身体不适去医院看病,本来血压不算太高,可到了医生那里一量却高了好多,这种情况在英文里叫做white coat fect(白大褂效应)。估计很多怕医生的患者都有过类似的经历吧。

  White coat fect rers to the elevation of a patient&aposs blood pressure readings caused by being in a doctor&aposs office or clinic, or by being in the presence of a physician.


  Racing pulses at the doctor&aposs office are so common, there&aposs even a name for it — "white coat hypertension." Unfortunately, that spike in blood pressure can make it difficult for doctors to tell how patients are really doing.


  Up to one-third of patients diagnosed with high blood pressure show the "white coat" fect during exam-room readings. (Source: Word Spy)


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