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  This loo with a view has been voted the most extreme place to do you ablutions in the world.


  The toilet serves a remote weather station at Kara-Tyurek in the Altai Mountains and is is perched on a cliff 2,600 metres above sea level.


  Plucky staff who work at the station are visited once a month by a postman who collects weather data, and a helicopter which delivers food, water and wood for the stove each autumn.


  But they have to be very daring indeed to use the terrifying toilet and will surely try very hard to go as little as possible when manning the remote station.


  People have been using the precarious potty since 1939. A recent survey of unusual toilets around the world found the Altai privvy to be the number one most extreme toilet.

  这个危险的厕所自1939年开始投入使用。最近一项关于世界各地“奇葩”厕所的调查显示,Altai privvy厕所在世界最极品厕所中名列首位。

  Other toilets with star quality were also named in different categories in the survey.


  The most expensive loo was named as the Swiss Horn Gold Palace in Hong Kong which is made from three tons of gold and took several years to assemble.


  A spokesman for Interfax News Agency, which conducted the survey said of the Altai toilet: `The toilet is perhaps the most unromantic place possible, but there are some parts of the world where people have made them something really special.

  国际传真社的一名参与调查的发言人这么形容阿尔泰厕所: “厕所也许是最不可能有浪漫气息的地方,但在世界的某些地方,人们让厕所成为了很特别的存在。

  `This Siberian commode was listed as the `most extreme` in the world where the fear evaporates only after years using it.`


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