


2017/08/14 03:14:15 编辑: 综合 浏览次数:291 移动端

  据说,硅谷的好多公司的创业型老板都不肯对下属放权,总觉得只有自己能把公司管好,对其他人一概不放心。有这种思维的人,英文里就说他们得了“创业家综合征”(entrepreneur’s syndrome)。

  Entrepreneur’s syndrome rers to a condition in which an entrepreneur believes that only he or she is capable of running the business.

  创业家综合征(entrepreneur’s syndrome)指创业家认为只有他自己有能力把企业经营好这样一种思维。

  The idea of company founders being unwilling—or unable—to give up power is not new. In fact, it&aposs so common in Silicon Valley that it&aposs got a name: entrepreneur&aposs syndrome.


  There are two key traits found in this group of people. First they employ the wrong people and get upset when they do not do what they want them to do. Second they sabotage their business by over riding their employee&aposs decisions, making changes to the business without consulting the management, alienating customers and a number of other actions that shrink the size and viability of the business.


  In the end of the day they will say something like this. "The business got into trouble because we had the wrong people. I got back in and was successful in re-building it".


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