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Newly crowned Norwegian world chess champion Magnus Carlsen took just nine moves to checkmate Bill Gates in a speed game to be aired later on Friday.

在周五的一档电视节目中,新晋国际象棋世界冠军芒努斯-卡尔森同比尔-盖茨进行了一场国际象棋超快棋友谊赛。 Challenged to a game in a chat show hosted by well-known Norwegian television presenter Fredrik Skavlan and due to be shown in Norway, Denmark and Sweden, Microsoft founder Gates said bore the game that the challenge had &aposa predetermined outcome.&apos 这场由挪威著名主持人Fredrik Skavlan来主持的比赛,将会在挪威、丹麦和瑞典播出。在比赛前,比尔-盖茨就预言“这次挑战的结果显而易见。” Gates, 58, who was ranked by Forbes magazine this year as the world&aposs second-richest person behind Mexico&aposs Carlos Slim, had 2 minutes to make his moves against just 30 seconds for Carlsen. He lost to the 23-year-old in around 1 minute 20 seconds. 现年58岁的比尔-盖茨在今年的福布斯富豪排行榜中,排在第二,仅次于墨西哥富豪卡洛斯。在比赛中,比尔盖茨可以有2分钟的比赛时间,而对手卡尔森的比赛用时仅有30秒。但是,盖茨仅用了1分20秒就输给了这位23岁的国际象棋大师。 Asked by Skavlan under what circumstances he felt intellectually inadequate, Gates answered: &aposWhen I play chess with him (Carlsen).&apos 当主持人问比尔盖茨什么时候感到脑子不够用时,比尔盖茨回答说“刚刚和卡尔森下棋的时候”。 Carlsen, a grandmaster since he was 13, received non-stop television coverage in Norway when he beat dending champion Viswanathan Anand of India last November to take his first world title. 卡尔森从13岁起就成了国际象棋大师,他在去年国际象棋世界冠军赛中挑战维斯瓦纳坦-阿南德并获胜,成为国际象棋棋王。
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