


2017/08/14 02:58:31 编辑: 浏览次数:180 移动端


  &aposHillary Clinton IS the war on women ... she enabled his behavior&apos

  A woman who claims Bill Clinton groped her in the White House is lashing out at his wife Hillary for conducting a &aposwar&apos on the women who have accused the former president of sexually assaulting them.

  &aposShe enabled his behavior,&apos Kathleen Willey said Sunday night during a radio interview on WABC in New York, and then &aposattacked all the women who just made the mistake of walking in front of him, crossing his path.&apos

  Willey claims Mrs. Clinton, the former U.S. secretary of state, has orchestrated a series of investigations designed to discredit the many women who have claimed her husband sexually assaulted them.

  &aposThe point is what this woman is capable of doing to other women while she&aposs running a campaign, basically, on women&aposs issues,&apos she said. &aposIt just doesn&apost make any sense.&apos

  &aposShe singlehandedly orchestrated every one of the investigations of all these women.&apos

  She suspects Hillary Clinton of covering up &aposnothing short of serious sexual harassment&apos in her case.

  And addressing claims by some Democrats that Republican politicians are conducting a so-called &aposwar on women&apos through their social policies, Willey turned the notion on its head.

  WND.com first reported that Willey told WABC host Aaron Klein that Mrs. Clinton is &aposaddicted to power, and she saw early on that [Bill] could be a powerful candidate. He had a lot of charisma. And she could just ride on his coattails.&apos

  Talking about the her allegations against Bill Clinton, she reiterated Sunday that &aposthe president sexually assaulted me,&apos leading her to &aposthe little room where he and Monica [Lewinsky] used to meet.&apos

  &aposI started to go for the door and he was right behind me,&apos she recalled, &aposand things went from bad to worse there. He acted just very inappropriately. He just did. I was shocked and bewildered, and I thought to myself, "What in the world is he doing?"&apos

  Willey maintains that she was a victim, and has even claimed the Clintons had her second husband murdered on November 29, 1993, the same day the president allegedly forced himself on her.

  The death was ruled a suicide, but she said Sunday that twenty years later government agencies ruse to let her see files detailing the investigation.

  Willey had no problem focusing her venom on Hillary, though. It&aposs her likely presidential candidacy that&aposs bringing the former president&aposs sexual flings back into the news.




  说到对克林顿的指控,威利重提1993年11 月29日被克林顿性侵的过程,“总统把我带到白宫的一个小房间,这个房间正是他跟白宫实习生莱温斯基约会的地点……我开始向房间门口处跑去,他紧跟在我后面,情况变得越来越糟糕,他作出了不当的行为,我当时感到很震惊和困惑,自言自语道:‘他究竟在干什么?’”威利又声称,克林顿夫妇于同一日谋杀了她的第二任丈夫。她称当局判定其夫是自杀,但事发20年后仍拒绝让她查看丈夫的死因调查文件。


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