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  Imagine the possibility of visiting any place in the world you want, maybe France, the Caribbean or even Alaska within one hour and without ever having to leave your living room. This form of niche tourism is rerred to as Armchair Tourism, a fairly new way of exploring the earth without having to physically travel. This can be made possible through the Internet, travel literature or television.

  想象一下,你足不出户就可以在一个小时之内游览世界上任意一个你想去的地方,法国、加勒比或者是阿拉斯加。这种特定的旅游形式叫做Armchair Tourism(座椅旅游),是一种不用亲自动身就能游览世界的新方式,我们称之为“神游”。这种旅游方式可以通过网络、旅游文学作品或电视来实现。

  Someone who stays at home but experiences travel by surfing the Internet, watching TV, DVDs and reading books about different countries, cultures and customs are called armchair tourist. They experience the benits of travel without leaving their armchair.



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