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He has been nominated for Oscars three times bore.
So Leonardo DiCaprio had no doubt been hoping and praying that it would be a case of fourth time lucky when he received a nomination for his role in The Wolf Of Wall Street.
However, it wasn&apost to be, and Leonardo lost out on an award once again as Matthew McConaughey was named Best Actor for Dallas Buyers Club.
But while Leonardo was gracious in his deat, his fans on Twitter were less than happy that he had once again failed to take home an Academy Award - almost 20 years after he was first nominated for What&aposs Eating Gilbert Grape.
Shortly after Leonardo losing the Oscar, Twitter was set alight with those coming out in the actor&aposs dence.
Radhika Sik tweeted: &aposAlways a bridesmaid, never a bride.&apos
网友Radhika Sik 发推特说:“如果把奥斯卡比作一场婚礼,莱昂纳多永远是伴郎,从来没做过新郎。”
And MrTwitchy94 wrote: &aposThe Wolf of Wall Street but the Goat of the Academy. &apos
网友MrTwitchy94 则写道:“华尔街之狼却成了奥斯卡的陪跑羊。”
Ashley Bernal wrote on Twitter: &aposWell, Leo still doesn&apost have an oscar. I believe my sanity just exploded...&apos
Ashley Bernal 在推特上写道:“好吧,莱昂纳多又没有获得奥斯卡,我觉得我的理智已崩溃。”
But Crystal Wilky insisted that Leonardo won&apost be letting the deat get to him, writing: &aposHe might not have won an Oscar yet, but the amount of people routing (sic) for him to do so means so much more than the award.&apos
但网友Crystal Wilky 坚信莱昂纳多并不会受舆论的影响:“他虽然至今没有获得奥斯卡奖,但是能受到那么多人的关注这比获奖更有意义。”
The hashtag #GiveLeoAnOscar also started trending shortly after his loss.
在莱昂纳多错失小金人之后,推特上“赐莱昂纳多一个奥斯卡奖吧!” 迅速成为热门话题。
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