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  《唐顿庄园》中饰演大小姐Marry的女演员Michelle Dockery 登上了《Manhattan》杂志封面。这位32岁的女演员在杂志的采访中,她表示非常喜欢演员这个职业,从16岁起她就决定要从事这个行业,也很喜欢《唐顿庄园》。

  Michelle Dockery shows her sexy side on the cover of Manhattan magazine’s March 2014 issue.

  在《Manhattan》杂志2014年3月刊的封面照片中,Michelle Dockery展示了自己的性感一面。

  Here’s what the 32-year-old Non-Stop actress had to share with the mag:


  On deciding to become an actress: “By 16 I knew I had more passion for acting. I never wanted to leave the drama department. I was always working on scenes or thinking up stuff to perform with friends, and I’m afraid some of my other subjects might have slightly suffered.”


  On her first big budget Hollywood movie Non-Stop: “It was an entirely new experience—the film, living in New York and working in a studio where they pretty much built a plane.”


  On her Downton Abbey character: “I love that she’s so complex. She’s very modern in that sense because she’s more than a strong woman: She’s witty, vicious even. She’s a mixed bag, and I enjoy playing those sides of her.”


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