


2017/08/14 02:39:54 编辑: 浏览次数:466 移动端


  IBM workers strike in China over terms of Lenovo takeover

  More than 1,000 workers have gone on strike at an IBM factory in southern China, in objection to the terms of their transfer to Lenovo as part of its $2.3bn acquisition of the US technology giant’s x86 server business.IBM公司深圳工厂的1000多名员工因不满工作关系转入联想(Lenovo)时的薪资和补偿条款,展开了罢工。联想此前以23亿美元收购了这家美国科技巨头的x86服务器业务。

  Chinese workers are challenging multi-billion dollar deals involving their employers with increasing frequency, injecting a new element of risk into large cross-border mergers and acquisitions.中国员工正越来越频繁地挑战他们的雇主与其他企业达成的高额并购协议,这为大规模跨境并购注入了新的风险因素。

  One worker, who asked not to be identified, said that protests began on Monday and production remained suspended at the IBM manufacturing facility in Shenzhen, the industrial centre bordering Hong Kong. The factory will be taken over by Lenovo as part of the Chinese company’s planned purchase of IBM’s low-end server business, announced in January.一位要求不具名的IBM深圳员工表示,他们从周一开始抗议,工厂生产至今仍未恢复。深圳毗邻香港,是中国一个工业中心。联想1月份宣布收购IBM低端服务器业务,作为这笔并购的一部分,这家深圳工厂将被联想接管。

  The worker added that the factory’s more than 1,000 employees were acting independently of the government-sanctioned All China Federation of Trade Unions. “The [official] union has never done anything to help protect our rights,” the worker said. “We don’t trust it or the [government] labour bureau.” Independent unions are banned in China.这名员工补充称,工厂里的1000多名员工是独立发起罢工的,未经官方的中华全国总工会(All China Federation of Trade Unions)的批准。“(官方)工会从来没有采取任何措施帮助保护我们的权利,”这名员工表示,“我们不信任它,也不信任(政府)劳动局。”独立工会在中国是被禁止的。

  “Employees currently involved in x86 operations in Shenzhen have a personal choice of going to Lenovo under terms and conditions comparable … to what they currently are receiving, or they can voluntarily choose what we believe is an equitable severance package,” IBM said. “While it is entirely an individual’s choice, we are hoping employees will decide to go to Lenovo.”IBM表示:“目前深圳x86服务器业务的员工可以自行选择,是加盟联想,并接受与目前相当的薪酬条款,或是自愿选择我们认为合理的离职补偿。尽管这完全属于个人选择,但我们希望员工加盟联想。”

  The Chinese computer company said it was aware of the industrial action but declined to comment further, noting that IBM was handling negotiations with the workers. The x86 transaction is expected to close later this year.联想表示知晓这起劳资纠纷,但拒绝进一步置评。该公司表示,IBM方面正在处理与这些员工的谈判。预计x86服务器交易将于今年晚些时候完成。

  According to a blog post, which showed pictures of IBM workers massed outside the factory, employees had been offered redundancy terms that included an Rmb6,000 ($980) lump-sum payment if they signed by March 7.网上的一篇博文贴出了IBM员工聚集在深圳工厂门口的图片。博文称,如果员工在3月7日之前签订离职协议,他们将一次性获得6000元人民币(合980美元)的补偿。

  The factory’s workers are demanding higher payments both for workers who agree to transfer to Lenovo and for those who decide to leave.员工们则要求更高的补偿标准,不论是对同意转入联想的员工,还是对决定离职的员工都是如此。

  Pictures posted online also showed Shenzhen police vans and labour department vehicles parked nearby the factory, although no arrests have been reported.网上贴出的图片还显示,深圳警方以及劳动部门的车辆就停在工厂附近,不过尚未有人员被捕的报道。

  In two separate cases in southern Guangdong province, more than a dozen workers are being prosecuted for “public order” offences after they participated in labour protests at a furniture factory and a hospital.在中国南方广东省近日发生的另外两起工人抗议事件中,一家家具厂和一家医院的共十多名员工因抗议而被起诉,罪名是扰乱“公共秩序”。

  Activists fear the cases signal that a crackdown on legal activists launched last year is being extended to labour organisers as well.劳工权益组织担心,这些案例表明,中国政府自去年开始打压合法的维权者之后,现在又瞄准了工人运动中的组织者。


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