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1. Little Women《小妇人》1868年
In picturesque 19th-century New England of the US, the 4 March sisters - tomboyish Jo, beautiful Meg, fragile Beth, and romantic Amy - come of age while their father is off to war.
My copy of this is probably 55 years old - I&aposve probably read it at least 25 times. This is a story of a family that functioned in a particular way in a particular time. - Reader Corrie
This book is so great. It has characters every girl could ever relate to. - Reader Martha
"Christmas won&apost be Christmas without any presents," grumbled Jo, lying on the rug. "It&aposs so dreadful to be poor!" sighed Meg, looking down at her old dress. "I don&apost think it&aposs fair for some girls to have plenty of pretty things, and other girls nothing at all," added little Amy, with an injured sniff. "We&aposve got Father and Mother, and each other," said Beth contentedly from her corner.
"Right, Jo; better be happy old maids than unhappy wives, or unmaidenly girls, running about to find husbands," said Mrs March decidedly.
2. Harriet the Spy《小间谍哈里特》1964年
Harriet M. Welsch is a spy. In her notebook, she writes down everything she knows about everyone, even her classmates and her best friends. Then Harriet loses track of her notebook, and it ends up in the wrong hands. Bore she can stop them, her friends have read the always truthful, sometimes awful things she&aposs written about each of them. Will Harriet find a way to put her life and her friendships back together?
When I read "Harriet the Spy" in 5th grade, I was taken by Harriet&aposs habit of wandering, observing and writing. - Reader Jamie
She has to rank competitively with the greatest literary characters of all time - so spunky, so misunderstood, so maligned by her peers. - Reader Griffin
[Harriet] hated math. She hated math with every bone in her body. She spent so much time hating it that she never had time to do it.
Sometimes you have to lie. But to yourself you must always tell the truth.
3. The Hitchhiker&aposs Guide to the Galaxy《银河系漫游指南》1979年
Join the book&aposs hero, Arthur Dent, as he travels the galaxy with his intrepid pal Ford Prect, getting into horrible messes and wreaking hilarious havoc. Dent is grabbed from Earth moments bore a cosmic construction team obliterates the planet to build a freeway.
You&aposll never read funnier science fiction. – Amazon.com
I think that one of the things that one has to keep in mind while reading this book is that it was written in 1979. - Reader Alejandro
"I don&apost want to die now!" he yelled. "I&aposve still got a headache! I don&apost want to go to heaven with a headache!"
The President of the Universe holds no real power. His sole purpose is to take attention away from where the power truly exists.
"What do you get if you multiply six by nine?" "Six by nine. 42.""That&aposs it. That&aposs all there is." "I always thought something was fundamentally wrong with the universe."
The ultimate answer to life, the universe and everything is...42!
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲