


2017/08/14 02:04:10 编辑: 浏览次数:323 移动端


  Fandom (consisting of fan plus the suffix -dom, as in kingdom, freedom, etc.) is a term used to rer to a subculture composed of fans characterized by a feeling of sympathy and camaraderie with others who share a common interest.


  A fandom can grow up centered around any area of human interest or activity. The subject of fan interest can be narrowly dined, focused on something like an individual celebrity, or more widely dined, encompassing entire hobbies, genres or fashions. While it is now used to apply to groups of people fascinated with any subject, the term has its roots in those with an enthusiastic appreciation for sports. The usage of the term can be traced back as far as 1903.


  Fandom as a term can also be used in a broad sense to rer to the interconnected social networks of individual fandoms, many of which overlap.


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