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Brazilians protest World Cup spending, call for better services
Road blocks and marches hit Brazilian cities on Thursday as disparate groups criticized spending on the upcoming World Cup soccer tournament and sought to revive a call for better public services that swept the country last June.
In Sao Paulo, Brazil&aposs largest city, a main thoroughfare was blocked with burning tires. Protesters stormed a building in the capital Brasilia. School teachers fresh from a vote to extend a strike joined with other protesters in Rio de Janeiro, blocking traffic on several main streets bore marching on city hall. Crowds dispersed with little incident, but police sped the protest&aposs end with tear gas and sporadic searches.
Looters took advantage of a three-day police strike in the northeastern city of Recife, a World Cup venue. Supermarkets, shops and vehicles were ransacked. The army and units of a special national gendarmerie have been called in to keep order. Police voted to end their strike on Thursday night.
Groups in Sao Paulo, including the Homeless Workers Movement, marched towards the World Cup stadium that will be the site of the tournament&aposs June 12 kickoff. The stadium has become a target of protests because of the families displaced by its construction. One banner carried by demonstrators read: "The cup without the people, all to the streets again!"
In Brasilia the Homeless Workers Movement entered the headquarters of Terracap, the state company that manages the city&aposs 1.4-billion-real ($630 million) stadium - the country&aposs most expensive.
Protests are planned in up to 50 cities throughout the day, as demonstrators hope to rekindle momentum that led to millions of people hitting the streets last year during the Confederations Cup, a two-week World Cup warmup.
Last year&aposs demonstrations prompted President Dilma Roussf, who faces a bid for re-election in October, to address the nation and acknowledge diciencies in public services and investment in everything from education and health care to transportation and security.
In a speech on Thursday, Roussf attacked critics of her government&aposs Cup preparations and called on the nation to welcome Cup visitors with "the hospitality that is part of the Brazilian soul". After a near-decade of steady growth bore she took office, Brazil now struggles with a sluggish economy, persistent inflation, increasing crime and lacklustre investment.
在圣保罗,包括无壳蜗牛工人运动(Homeless Workers Movement)在内的多个组织前往即将举办世界杯开幕式的体育场进行抗议,这座体育场因迫使多个家庭遭拆迁而成为抗议目标。示威者在一条横幅中写道:“没有民众的世界杯,所有人再次走上街头吧!”
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲