


刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:168 移动端

  近日一位心理学家研究发现,人们拍的照片越多,他们感受和体验的就越少,对拍照目标的细节也记得越模糊,她将其称为photo-taking impairment fect(拍照效应)。

  A psychology professor suggests that as people take more photos, they experience less and remember fewer details about what they had taken photos of. This is what she called a "photo-taking impairment fect."


  Those parents at the park taking all those photos are actually paying less attention to their children at that moment, she says, because they&aposre focused on the act of taking the photo. As a result they are giving away being in the moment.


  "As soon as you hit &aposclick&apos on that camera, it&aposs as if you&aposve outsourced your memory," she says. "Any time we count on these external memory devices, we&aposre taking away from the kind of mental cognitive processing that might help us actually remember that stuff on our own."


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