


2017/08/14 01:51:22 编辑: 阿根廷 浏览次数:193 移动端

  10 body language love signals


  Do you ever wish there was a magic wand that would make you more attractive to the opposite sex, or at least help you understand who is attracted to you? Well, it&aposs no magic but a science. Here&aposs how men and women can learn to master the art of love.


  "Body language is hardwired into our brains, and therore most often used in unconscious movements," says Allan Pease, body language expert and author of The Body Language of Love, (Harper Collins, $19.85). "Women are better wired for picking up on non-verbal signals, so if men want to increase their chances in the mating game, then they should learn how to decode gestures women commonly use."


  Signals men need to know


  1. When women toss or flick their hair: If you are talking to a woman and she flicks her hair, it dinitely means she&aposs into you. But if you&aposre the one watching and she&aposs done it for someone else, well, better luck next time. "You&aposll be surprised at how common hair flick and head toss is," says his wife and co-author of the book, Barbara Pease. "Even women with short hair do it all the time." It&aposs a woman&aposs way to show she cares about how she looks and wants to impress her man.

  1. 当女性点头或轻拂她们的头发:如果你是正在跟一名女性交流的过程中她轻拂自己的头发,那这绝对意味着她喜欢上了你。但如果你只是在旁边打酱油,而她对着别人做出这种动作,好吧,只能祝你下次好运了。“你可能会觉得惊讶,轻拂头发和点头是多么常见的动作”阿兰•皮斯的妻子芭芭拉•皮斯说道,她也是那本书的作者之一。“即使是留着短发的女性也会这么做。”这是女性想表现她们感兴趣的特有的一种方式,而且是想以此来取悦她的眼前人。

  2. When women fiddle with a round object: Sounds like something you might see in a cheesy Benny Hill show, but Allan says, it&aposs true. If a woman is fondling a phallic-shaped object such as the stem of a wine glass or a dangling earring and giving you repeated glances, she finds you attractive. "It also means she&aposs approachable," adds Barbara.

  2. 当女性摆弄一件圆形物体:听起来就像是你可能在本尼•希尔秀(英国喜剧)里看过的某些桥段那样,但阿兰说:“事实上就是这么回事儿。”如果女性不停的抚摩一件生殖器形状的物体,例如红酒杯的柄脚,或是晃来晃去的耳环,还频频向你放电,那她肯定是觉得你很有吸引力。“这也说明你可以更进一步了”芭芭拉补充道。

  3. When women are unconsciously touching themselves: This is body language at the most basic level. "Watch for a woman slowly stroking her neck, throat or thigh," says Allan. "If a man plays his cards right, then he may get to touch her in the same way.


  4. When women point their knees: When you see a woman sitting with one leg tucked up under her, chances are that the knee pointing outwards is pointing towards the person she finds the most interesting. Hope that is you. If she&aposs wearing a dress or skirt, it can offer a fleeting glimpse of an exposed thigh to anyone who&aposs looking — prerably the person of interest.

  4. 当女性的膝盖指向某处:当你看到一名女性优雅的交叠着双腿坐在那里时,那么她就有可能将膝盖朝外,而且是会对着她觉得最感兴趣的那个人。希望是你哦。如果她此刻身着一条连衣裙或短裙,这将给任何注视着她的人创造一个欣赏她腿部曲线的机会 -- 尤其是对她最感兴趣的人。

  5. When women put their face on display: A woman who is trying to attract a man&aposs attention, with elbows resting on a surface, will place one hand on top of the other, then place her chin on her hands and face directly to him as is she is offering it to him for admiration. "It is an extremely feminine gesture, and an intimate one, as it also allows the woman to lean in towards the man," says Barbara. "It also indicates that he has her full attention, and is open to flattery, flirtation and advances."

  5. 当女性展示她们的脸庞:如果女性想要吸引男性的注意力,会将手肘支在桌面上,两手交叠,然后将下巴搁在手背上,脸庞直对他,就像是以此表达对他的赞赏之情一般。“这是一个极具女性气质的姿势,带有一种暗示意味,而且它还会使让女性倾身向前,缩短与男性之间的距离。”芭芭拉说道:“这也表明,她的全部注意力都已被俘获,而且敞开心胸接受他的恭维、调情和求爱。”

  Signals women need to know


  But for women, there is a comparative lack of male courtship signals. "Men don&apost play a courtship game," says Barbara. "They only respond to it."


  Girls, watch out for the following and scout out your man:


  1. When men have protruding thumbs: Thumbs are prominent in many hand gestures, as they represent strength of character and the ego. "A man will use protruding thumbs, in front or back pockets, around women to whom he is attracted," says Allan.


  2. When men display their crotch: Every woman reading this knows at least one man who sits with his legs spread wide at her, like he is taking her photograph. "The crotch display is fectively putting a man&aposs masculinity on show," says Barbara. "His feet are planted firmly on the ground, with his legs apart, displaying the crotch, and letting whoever is observing know that he&aposs not going anywhere.

  2. 当男性展示他们的胯部:每个读到这条的女性至少都应该意识到,如果男性坐在女性对面时,双腿分开,两腿之间的角度刚好能将对面的女性容纳其中,彷佛就像是在为她取景拍照一样。“展示胯部是最能彰显男子气概的方法。”芭芭拉说道:“他的双脚稳稳的搁在地上,两腿分开,露出胯部,无论谁看到他这样都会明白,他将永远陪伴你左右。”

  3. When their fingers point to what he wants you to notice: When a man&aposs thumbs are tucked into his belt or into the tops of the pockets to frame the genital area, it indicates a sexually aggressive attitude. Allan says this gesture shows to a woman that "I am ready for action". "He has unwittingly given away what&aposs on his mind," adds Barbara.

  3. 当他们的手指指向他想要你注意的地方:当男性用大拇指扣住皮带,或是扣住前裤兜的上沿,两手构成一个生殖器区域的框架时,这表明了一种两性之间咄咄逼人的态度。阿兰说这个姿势是想向女性传达一种“我已经准备好要采取行动了”的讯息。而且“他已经无意中泄露了他的心事。”芭芭拉补充说。

  4. When men try hard: To make them look more appealing, men will unconsciously arrange their clothing. They will straighten their tie, brush imaginary dust off their shoulder and adjusts their trousers. "His mind says, &aposI want to look my best for you&apos and his body responds accordingly," adds Allan.

  4. 当男性努力让自己更好:男性为了让他们自己看起来更有魅力,会无意识的去整理他们的衣着。比如把他们的领带拉直一点,掸一掸肩膀上原本就没有的灰尘,或是整理一下他们的裤子。“他在脑子里想着‘我想把我最好的一面展示给你’于是他的身体就自动做出了反应。”阿兰补充说。

  5. When men take up space: A man will put his hands on his hips to occupy as much space as possible to become more noticeable. He may even start to rock back and forth on the soles of his feet as if he was making love in a standing position. According to Barbara, "When it comes to male courtship signals, women often ask me, &aposFor men, is it always about sex?&apos Disappointingly for many women, the answer is &aposyes&apos."

  5. 当男性试图占据更多的空间:男性会将手放在臀部,手臂张开占据尽可能多的空间,以此来增强他们的存在感。他的脚底可能甚至会前后的摇晃,仿佛他是以一种站立的姿势在做爱。据芭芭拉说“每次一提到男性的求爱信号时,女人们总会问我‘对男人来说,爱是不是总跟性有关呢?’,这个问题的答案恐怕会令大部分女性失望,那就是‘确实如此’”。

  Body language tips for men


  • If a woman slowly crosses and uncrosses her legs then she is into you. If not, her legs would stay firmly in place.

  • 如果女性在你面前慢慢地交叉又放下她的双腿,这表示她对你很感兴趣。如果不是,那她的双腿会牢牢的放在那儿。

  • If a woman has put her handbag close to you, she likes you. But if she has just clutched it tightly, bugger off.

  • 如果女性把她的手袋放在离你很近的地方,那么她一定喜欢你。但如果是她紧紧的攥住它,那你就赶紧拍拍屁股走人吧。

  • If a woman has her legs together and body facing away, buddy, you are going home alone tonight.

  • 如果女性双腿并拢,身体朝向离开的方向,伙计,恐怕今晚你只能自己回家了。

  Body language tips for women


  • When a man is wearing tight-fitting trousers, small-size Speedos or dangling the long end of a belt or a bunch of keys in front of their crotch, it means they&aposre putting their masculinity on display. It&aposs the same as a woman with a push-up bra.

  • 男性穿着紧身裤、小码泳裤,或者系那种悬挂着长长的装饰物的皮带,或是在腰上挂串钥匙,是为了能展现他们的男子气概。其作用就好比女人们穿魔术胸罩一般。

  • When a man puts his hands in his pocket, it means they are closed-off.

  • 男性将双手插进口袋,这是他们的防御姿态。

  • When a man mirrors a woman&aposs facial expressions, she&aposll think he is caring and attractive.

  • 如果男性随着女性的面部表情而做出相应的回应,女性会认为他很有爱心和吸引力。

  Common gestures


  • Jiggling feet is a sign of boredom.

  • 抖脚是表示无聊的信号。

  • Locked ankles show negative emotions.

  • 脚踝相扣是代表着负面的情绪。

  • Extended blinking, covering their mouth, rubbing eyes all mean the person is lying.

  • 不停的眨眼睛、捂住嘴巴、揉眼睛都代表着这个人正在撒谎。

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