


2017/08/14 01:39:23 编辑: 浏览次数:224 移动端


  8 powerful women who got pushed out


  Ousted New York Times executive editor Jill Abramson is the latest in a parade of powerful women who got the ax over issues of personal style. Abramson&aposs problem, according to the newspaper that she led until her departure on Wednesday, was that she was "polarizing and mercurial" in the view of some employees. Failure is always more complicated than that. Particularly when it comes to women leaders. To get noticed, women have to lean in, as Sheryl Sandberg advises in her bestseller, but strong women often lean in too far for the comfort of the men and other women in their orbit. Research shows that a narrower band of acceptable behavior exists for women leaders. And for the women in this gallery, staying on top proved to be a balancing act too tricky to master.


  CEO, Mattel, 1997-2000


  Once a star marketer who helped build Barbie and Hot Wheels, Barad reached the top of the world&aposs largest toy company and was No. 6 on Fortune&aposs first Most Powerful Women list in 1998. Forcul and flamboyant, she turned off some of her colleagues as well as investors, who watched Mattel&aposs (MAT, Fortune 500) earnings falter.


  CEO, Hewlett-Packard, 1999-2005


  She was the top woman at Lucent (ALU) and appeared on the cover of Fortune&aposs first MPW issue in 1998. HP (HPQ, Fortune 500) recruited Fiorina to be CEO the following summer. "My strength is my strength, but it can also be a weakness," Fiorina told Fortunewhen she was struggling and sparring with other HP managers. The board pushed her outin 2005. Fiorina went on to run unsuccessfully for the U.S. Senate in California.


  Co-president, Morgan Stanley, 2005-2007

  摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)联席总裁,2005-2007年

  The Cruz Missile, as her colleagues called her, was a star bond trader and favored co-president under John Mack when he was CEO of Morgan Stanley (MS, Fortune 500). A $4 billion trading loss on a bad mortgage bet, in addition to personality conflicts with other execs, led to Mack dismissing her in 2007. Cruz started Voras Capital Management, a hedge fund named after the mountainous region in Greece where she was born, and shut the firm down in 2012.

  按照同事对她的称呼,佐伊•克鲁兹是一位明星交易员,也是时任摩根士丹利首席执行官约翰•麦克的手下爱将。由于投资不良抵押贷款造成40亿美元的损失,加上与其他高管的个人冲突,导致麦克在2007年解雇了她。克鲁兹创办了沃拉斯资本管理公司(Voras Capital Management),这家对冲基金以她出生的希腊山区而命名,最终于2012年关闭。

  CEO, New York Times, 2004-2011


  The first woman chi of the New York Times (NYT) wrangled, like top editor Abramson, with scion Arthur O. Sulzberger, Jr., who is publisher and chairman. Robinson&aposs early exit led to the CEO appointment of former BBC exec Mark Thompson, who reportedly had a tense relationship with Abramson.


  President of global wealth & investment management, Bank of America, 2009-2011

  美国银行(Bank of America)全球财富与投资管理总裁,2009-2011年

  Once the most powerful woman on Wall Street and a fierce advocate for consumer rights, Krawcheck sparred with her bosses at Citigroup (C, Fortune 500) and then BofA(BAC, Fortune 500). Rejected but resolute, she bought 85 Broads, an age-old women&aposs network and is plotting an expansion. What drives her now? Krawcheck says she sees a "tipping point" in terms of women&aposs impact on the global economy.

  作为华尔街曾经最有权势的女人和消费者权益的积极倡导者,克劳切克在花旗集团和她的老板产生了争执,此后在美国银行也是如此。尽管受到反对,但她态度坚定地收购了历史悠久的女性网站85 Broads,正在策划扩展业务。她的动机是什么?克劳切克说她看到了女性对全球经济影响力的“临界点”。

  CEO, Yahoo, 2009-2011


  There was no messing with Bartz, who was hired to revive Yahoo (YHOO, Fortune 500)after she impressively built Autodesk (ADSK). Feisty and audacious, she cut costs and lifted profit margins but failed to increase revenue growth. "These people f---ed me over,"Bartz told Fortune in 2011 after Yahoo&aposs then-chairman, Roy Bostock, called her on her cellphone to fire her.

  没有人能够妨碍巴茨的前进,她创建欧特克公司( Autodesk)的经历给人留下深刻印象,此后被任命为首席执行官来振兴雅虎公司。巴茨争强好胜、勇敢无畏,她降低成本、提升利润空间,但是没有提高雅虎公司的营收增长幅度。2011年,时任雅虎公司董事长的罗伊•博斯托克打电话通知她解雇的消息,此后巴茨告诉《财富》杂志,“这些家伙利用了我。”

  Editor-in-chi, Le Monde, 2013-2014

  《世界报》(Le Monde)主编,2013-2014年

  In a drama reminiscent of Abramson at the New York Times, the top editor of the leading French newspaper fell victim to a staff revolution. Nougayrède pushed to transform Le Monde into a digital leader, but the people who worked for her resisted her authoritarian style and forced her out after 14 months in the top job.


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