


2017/08/14 01:35:09 编辑: 浏览次数:246 移动端


  Helper‘s high rers to feelings of euphoria and increased energy that occur while helping other people.

  助人快感(helper’s high)指帮助别人时产生的快感和能量激增的感觉。

  Researchers say the satisfaction people get from volunteering can cause a rush of euphoria, followed by a longer period of calm...This "feel-good sensation" should aid health by reducing stress with the release of endorphins, the body&aposs natural painkillers.


  "Helper&aposs high" is the term coined by Arizona State University psychologist Robert Cialdini to describe the euphoria reported by frequent givers in his research. These good feelings may lower the output of stress hormones, which improves cardiovascular health and strengthens the immune system.



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