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  In recent months, Steven Spielberg has become attached to several new projects, leaving many wondering in what order he would direct them.


  DreamWorks provided some answers Monday by setting release dates for his next two projects.


  An untitled Cold War spy thriller directed by Spielberg will hit theaters on Oct. 16, 2015, while the adaptation of Roald Dahl&aposs children&aposs book The BFG will open on July 1, 2016.

  由斯皮尔伯格导演的未定名冷战题材电影将会在2015年10月16日上映,另一部根据著名作家罗纳德-达理(Roald Dahl)的原著小说改编的儿童电影《吹梦巨人》则会在2016年7月1日上映。

  Spielberg has not directed a movie since 2012&aposs Lincoln. He&aposs been attached to numerous projects, including these two, plus an adaptation of the David Kertzer novel The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara; Robopocalypse; and Montezuma.

  斯皮尔伯格自2012年拍摄《林肯》结束后就没有什么拍片计划。期间他曾与多个项目牵扯上关系,包括《埃德加多-摩尔塔拉的绑架》(Kidnappingof Edgardo Mortara)、《机器人启示录》(Robopocalypse)、《蒙提祖玛》(Montezuma)以及以上提到的冷战题材影片和《吹梦巨人》。

  The live-action film The BFG will be based on the fantastical tale of a Big Friendly Giant who briends a young orphan girl. Dahl&aposs book, illustrated by Quentin Blake, was first published in 1982.


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