


2017/08/14 01:25:40 编辑: 浏览次数:68 移动端

  女主人公----Betty Suarez( America Ferrera 饰)出身墨西哥移民家庭。她一头厚重头发,戴框架眼镜,满嘴牙箍 (teeth brace),矮矮胖胖,是个毫无吸引力的丑姑娘。但是Betty生就一副好心肠和勤快手脚,加上无与伦比的上进心。进入美女如云的时尚杂志《MODE》编辑部后,她先是受尽同事嘲弄和捉弄,尤以前台小姐Amanda( Becki Newton 饰)和她的好基友Marc( Michael Urie 饰)为甚,却因良好的工作水准得到总经理Daniel Meade( Eric Mabius 饰)的赏识...... 这部描述了Betty在风云暗涌的时尚杂志社依靠着自己的梦想创造诸多奇迹的美剧,也是学习商务英语的极好素材。今天,我们就通过第一季第一集来学习一些进入职场必备内容吧!

  Marc: Betty Suarez?

  Betty: Hi. That&aposs me. Um, I have a hard copy of my resume if you need it. Should I follow you?

  Marc: Actually... there&aposs been a mistake.

  Betty: A mistake?

  Marc: All the entry-level positions we were hiring for... they&aposve been filled. I&aposm sorry.

  这个场景是Betty 第一次去Meade Publication等待面试,但是招聘的人看见她那俗气打扮,连面试的机会都没有给,直接接告诉她入门级岗位的招聘已经都招满了。


  hard copy 复印件

  soft copy 电子档

  职位招满: the positions have been filled

  职位空缺: a(job)vacancy


  Level of positions in a company :

  a. Entry-level position 入门级职位【无工作经验】

  b. Junior level position 初级职位【有几年短暂的工作经验】

  c. Middle level position 中级职位

  d. Senior level position 高级职位

  有一种岗位被称作:C-level jobs. 大家来猜猜这是属于上面a,b,c,d,e 哪种级别呢?

  Mr. Suarez: So... how was your interview?

  Betty: Um... I think it was really good. I mean, they were impressed.

  Hilda: You didn&apost get it.

  Betty: Well, they said that they had hired everyone they needed.

  Mr. Suarez: I don&apost understand... you&aposre sharp, you&aposre prepared. Someone should have begged you to work for them the day you graduated from Queens College.

  Hilda: Betty, have you thought about exploring other options?



  Steps to prepare for a job interview

  1. Analyze the Job Description 分析岗位描述

  2. Make a Match 与自己的情况做匹配

  3. Research the Company 了解公司情况

  4. Practice Interviewing 练习面试

  5. Get Your Interview Clothes Ready 准备合适的面试服装



  C-level jobs : top executive or highest level corporate positions 所谓的C-level 工作是指最高级级别的岗位,这来自于一系列以字母C打头的职位:

  CEO (Chi Executive Officer) 首席执行官

  CTO (Chi Technology Officer) 首席技术官

  CFO (Chi Financial Officer) 首席财务官

  CIO (Chi Information Officer) 首席信息官

  COO (Chi Operating Officer) 首席运营官

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