


刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:342 移动端

  So, did you have a fun day?


  As a matter of fact, I did. I probably had the most fun that I have had in a long time.

  事实上,很好。哈 哈 哈 哈 我可能渡过了很长时间里最美好的一天

  You know, I didn&apost tell you to quit.


  No. No, no, no. No, you made damn sure that I&aposd go nowhere for the next twenty years.

  没有 不 不 不 不 你只是TMD保证了我未来20年里哪也去不了。

  I don&apost know what to say.


  I hear "please forgive me" is popular.


  Yes, I am sorry. I am so, so sorry. I didn&apost want to hurt you. But I was trying to protect ourfamily.

  是的 对不起 我很抱歉 很抱歉 我并不想伤害你,我只是想保护我们的家庭

  If you got a promotion, we never would have seen you. You would have been traveling all theday.


  Lynette, Lynette, Lynette, you&aposre right. You&aposre right. You&aposre right. That promotion would havejust killed us, so this is gonna all work out.

  Lynette,Lynette,Lynette,你是对的 你是对的 你是对的,那升职会毁掉我们,所以这样反而好

  What does that mean?


  It means that I can use the break.


  Oh, well, yeah. I think it would be good for you to take some time off.

  噢,是的 我想你休息一阵子会很好

  No, not some time. Full time. I&aposm gonna be a stay-at-home dad.

  不,不是一阵子,是从今往后 我要做个驻家老爸



  What the heck? You earn the living for a while.

  啊 什么? 暂时由你去赚钱养家

  Tom, that&aposs...crazy.

  TOM, 这真是…...疯了

  Why? Why is it crazy? You and I both know that you&aposre better at the ad game, and you tell meall the time how hard it is to be a mom.

  为什么?为什么这就是疯了 你和我都知道 你在广告界比较吃得开 你又一直跟我说做妈妈多辛苦

  Well, yes, yes, it is hard, but I, I love it, too, and I&aposve been doing it for six years, and I haven&apostcomplained the entire time.


  Fair enough. Fair enough. But be honest. Secretly, you miss the ad game, don&apost you?


  I mean, you miss the pressure and the deadlines and the, the power lunches. Or am I wrong?

  我是说,你想念那些压力和期限 还有那个--那个充满激情的午餐 我说错了吗?

  Maybe, maybe you want to sort dirty socks the rest of your life.

  也许-- 也许妳想去收拾那些脏兮兮的袜子,让妳的生活碌碌无为

  We should talk about this seriously bore we make any rash decisions.

  我们在认真地谈论这些 在我们做出轻率的决定之前

  I already made the decision. You&aposre going back to work.

  我已经做了决定, 妳要重返职场

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