

腾讯与阿里巴巴竞争 斥资7.36亿美元入股58同城.

2017/08/14 01:24:08 编辑: 浏览次数:239 移动端

  Tencent Holdings, the Chinese internet gaming andsocial media conglomerate, has agreed to acquirea $736m stake in an online classified ads site, thelatest purchase in a race with rival Alibaba to snap up internet assets.

  中国游戏和社交媒体集团腾讯控股(Tencent Holdings)已达成协议,斥资7.36亿美元买入一家分类广告网站的股份。这是腾讯与其对手阿里巴巴(Alibaba)开展的收购互联网资产竞赛中最新的一起收购。

  Tencent will snap up a 19.9 per cent stake in Nasdaq-listed 58.com, a move the Chinese groupsaid would expand online shopping options for customers of its WeChat and QQ onlinemessaging services.

  腾讯将买入在纳斯达克(Nasdaq)上市的58同城(58.com) 19.9%的股份。这家中国集团表示,此举将扩大其微信(WeChat)及QQ在线聊天服务客户的在线购物选择。

  The 58.com site, often described as China’s equivalent of Craigslist, floated in the US lastNovember and has since seen its share price more than double.


  Both Tencent, Asia’s largest internet group by market cap, and Alibaba have been racing toacquire internet assets for the past year to try to outflank each other and dominate theChinese internet market.


  Alibaba has bought into media and entertainment companies, while Tencent’s focus has beenchipping away at Alibaba’s stronghold in ecommerce.


  Analysts broadly perceive Tencent to be ahead of Alibaba in the race to dominate the mobileinternet sector – a challenge for the companies given they were originally based on non-mobileinternet offerings.


  Alibaba, which is preparing for an IPO in the US, has spent more than $6bn in the past yearacquiring assets such as the internet browser UCWeb and online map maker AutoNavi.


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