

玩转一个城市 谷歌眼镜带来的美妙体验.

2017/08/14 01:23:53 编辑: 浏览次数:206 移动端

  WHAT&aposS THE MOST rewarding way to navigate acity: paging through a guidebook, thrusting yourhigh-school Spanish at passersby or talking to youreyeglasses?


  It&aposs not a joke question--not in the era of GoogleGlass. Technology has changed almost everythingabout how we travel. But Google seems to be hopingthat Glass will be one of the biggest breakthroughs.

  不,这不是开玩笑――在有谷歌眼镜(Google Glass)的年代。科技改变了关于旅行方式的几乎一切。但是谷歌似乎在指望谷歌眼镜将成为最大突破之一。

  When I first tried Glass, in Google&aposs loft-like showroom in New York, I was both fascinated andfreaked out. Smartphones are distracting enough, and I wondered what we would lose byfurther integrating such gadgets into our lives. As a travel editor, I worried that people wouldsacrifice the human contact that makes travel experiences richer. Would we all end up staringan inch in front of our faces, consumed by virtual worlds instead of interacting with the realone?


  I decided to take a three-day trip, not to put Glass to the test, but to explore the upsides anddownsides of different ways of navigating the world. With my husband, Drew, and our21-month-old son, Jack, I&aposd spend one day finding my way using Glass, another relying on aguidebook and a third taking tips from locals. I chose to go to San Juan, Puerto Rico. My goalsfor each day were simple--to find a fun cultural activity, a great place to eat and a shop where Icould buy something interesting and tastul. Simple, but not necessarily easy.


  The first morning, we stepped out of our rental apartment in Old San Juan, a walled,centuries-old neighborhood on the Atlantic coast. I tapped the side of Glass--half-hidden undermy hat--to wake it up, and shifted my focus up to the screen, feeling slightly cross-eyed. Iwanted to show off to my tech-savvy husband, but wasn&apost sure where to start. &aposOK Glass,&apos Isaid tentatively, using the introduction to most of Glass&aposs voice commands. I settled on&aposexplore nearby.&apos Google&aposs Field Trip app began to display attractions in a slideshow of &aposcards&apos Icould swipe through by touching the side of Glass. El Yunque National Forest, a spectacularrain forest, was first--and an hour&aposs drive away.

  第一天早晨,我们从在圣胡安老城(Old San Juan)租住的公寓出发。圣胡安老城是大西洋海岸一个带有城 的区域,已经有几个世纪的历史。我点击了一下半掩在我的帽子下面的镜架上的触摸板开启了眼镜功能,然后将我的注意力集中在屏幕上,有点像对眼时的感觉。我想在我的“科技通”丈夫面前炫耀一番,但不太确定从哪里开始。于是我试探性地说道:“OK Glass”,这是谷歌眼镜包含多数语音指令菜单的启动语。我选定了“探索附近”一项。这时,谷歌的Field Trip应用开始以幻灯片的形势展示一系列景点的“卡片”,我可以通过轻触镜架上的触摸板来翻看。第一个出现的是埃尔云克国家森林(El Yunque National Forest),这是一片令人叹为观止的雨林,一小时车程便可抵达。

  &aposHow about we just go into this one?&apos Drew said, indicating Castillo San Cristóbal, aSpanish-built fortification across the street. Standing on its plaza overlooking the ocean, Iasked Glass for details about the site. That took a few minutes, thanks to my inexperienceand some stuttering on Glass&aposs part (it&aposs still technically in &aposadvanced beta&apos). But finally I readaloud some history: &aposConstruction...finished in 1790, though modifications were made well intothe--&apos

  德鲁说:“我们去这里怎么样?”他说的是圣克里斯多巴城堡(Castillo San Cristóbal),这是街对面的一座由西班牙人修建的堡垒。我站在俯瞰大海的城堡广场向谷歌眼镜询问这一景点的详情。由于操作不够熟练,再加上眼镜有些“结巴”(从技术上说谷歌眼镜仍处在测试版),这一过程多花了几分钟。但最后我还是能够大声读出这个城堡的部分历史:“完工于1790年,但修葺工程一直持续到……”

  &apos18th century,&apos Drew interrupted.


  &aposHow did you know that?&apos


  &aposIt&aposs on the plaque over here. Humans 1, Glass 0!&apos he crowed.


  The view of the water beyond the fort was gorgeous, especially framed by its stone walls. &aposOKGlass,&apos I commanded. &aposTake a picture.&apos After a pause and a tone, I had a shot of the Atlanticthrough the tiny window of a guard turret. Wowza.

  城堡远处的海景美极了,尤其是在石 的包围下。我又发出指令:“OK Glass,拍照”眼镜在停顿了一下并发出了一声响后,拍摄了一张警卫队炮塔狭小窗户外大西洋的照片。

  The picture was a little crooked, and wider than I&aposd expected. In fact, with no way to previewor focus, the results with Glass were always a bit of a surprise. But the ability to take a photoor video in an instant was thrilling. No scrambling for a camera, no missing the moment. Jack,who has a frustrating habit of stopping whatever cute thing he&aposs doing when a camera appears,was oblivious to Glass. (My husband, however, started posing whenever I glanced his way.)


  Are guidebooks dead? I hope not, since I rely heavily on them--as well as newspaper andmagazine articles, websites and tips from friends and others--to plan my travels. Guidebookspack a lot of usul information into a small (or smallish) package. You can learn about history,hotels, outdoor activities and more without visiting a dozen websites. Plus, a guidebook doesn&apostflinch if the Wi-Fi fails.


  I started getting personal advice bore we reached San Juan. Seeking affordable andcomfortable lodging in Old San Juan, I used Airbnb to book an apartment whose bedrooms andkitchen opened onto an elegant open-air living room. The owner, Jorge, emailed me a list oflocal tips, including Café El Punto, a simple restaurant in Old San Juan that we probably wouldn&aposthave found on our own--especially since it&aposs at the back of a souvenir shop. It would havebeen a shame to miss El Punto, since it serves authentic Puerto Rican food, includingmofongo,a mashed plantain dish that we ordered with chicken stew piled on top.

  在我们到达圣胡安之前,我就开始收到个人建议了。因为需要在圣胡安老城找既便宜又舒适的居住之地,我利用Airbnb定了一个公寓,公寓的卧室和厨房都开向优雅通风的客厅。房主豪尔赫(Jorge)通过电子邮件给我发过来一个清单,全都是当地的一些旅行提示,包括Cafe El Punto。这是圣胡安老城一个简 的餐厅,光靠我们自己的话很可能找不到,更何况这家店的位置比较隐秘,是在一家纪念品商店的后面。错过El Punto的话会很可惜,因为这里提供正宗的波多黎各美食,包括mofongo,这是一种把香蕉打碎后做成的菜品,我们在点这道菜的时候又在上面加了炖鸡。

  The most memorable experience did not come thanks to Glass, books or advice. One night Iwandered quiet old streets until they became less quiet. In the alley between two bars, a groupof older men with a few instruments performed &aposMy Way,&apos to a Latin beat as a crowd of localsswayed and sang along. Sometimes, serendipity is the best guide.

  最令人难忘的体验倒是和谷歌眼镜无关,也不是因为导游书或各种提示。一天晚上,我在老旧的街道上安静地闲逛,后来街上就不那么安静了。在两家酒吧之间的巷子里,一群上了年纪的人手里拿着乐器和着某种拉丁音乐的节拍演奏“My Way”,一群当地人一边摇摆一边跟唱。有时候,意外发现就是最好的导游。

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