


2017/08/14 01:08:42 编辑: 浏览次数:219 移动端

  内地当红女艺人、手捧多项国际奖项的周迅,此前曾多次被炒周迅领证,但究竟是否属实无从知晓,终于于昨晚周迅宣布婚讯,在16日晚举行的ONE NIGHT公益晚会上,周迅一袭婚纱压轴出场!在现场接受高圣远的求婚并上演婚礼!一对新人喜结连理,现场亲吻,为对方戴上婚戒。周迅说,我在电影里演了几次新娘,说过几次誓言,今天晚上,终于有个周迅版本的誓言了!

  Zhou Xun weds boyfriend Gao Shengyuan

  Famous Chinese celebrity, Zhou Xun, made a surprise announcement at a charity event last night that she has married her American-born boyfriend, Gao Shengyuan.

  "We are really happy tonight to be in such a love-filled atmosphere. My husband and I would like to share our love with everyone. I&aposve starred in films where I played the bride, but tonight is Zhou Xun&aposs own story of romance."

  The 40-year-old actress has won endless awards over the past years. In contrast with her career success, her love life hasn&apost gone smoothly. But it appears the actress has finally found luck in love.

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