

马航MH17被击落 295人全部丧生.

2017/08/14 01:07:13 编辑: 浏览次数:280 移动端


  A Malaysian airliner with 295 people on board has crashed in Ukraine on a flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.


  Malaysia Airlines said it lost contact with Flight MH17 from Amsterdam over Ukraine. The Ukrainian presidency has officially confirmed the crash.


  An aviation source in Moscow told Reuters the plane had been found burning on the ground in east Ukraine.


  Separatist rebels have been fighting government forces in the region.


  A dence expert has told the BBC that shooting down a plane at 10,000 metres would have required a long-range surface-to-air missile - possibly guided by radar. That suggests it is unlikely it could have been downed by a portable air dence missile, or Manpad, which has a much shorter range.


  Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko says in a statement. "This is a third such tragic event in recent days, when Ukrainian military An-26 and Su-25 aircraft have been shot down from Russian territory, " the statement says. "The Ukrainian armed forces did not attempt to shoot down targets in the air."


  Eastern Ukraine separatist leader Alexander Borodai says airliner shot down by Ukrainian government forces.


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