

哈利波特魔法失效 扮演者赴美被拒.

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  Daniel Radcliffe may have led a charmed life until now - but it seems not even he can work his magic on U.S. customs officers.


  The Harry Potter star was stopped by American border guards yesterday when he tried to cross into the country from Canada, because he had failed to properly upgrade his visa.


  It was a setback that Harry Potter could have easily overcome with a simple &aposAlohomora&apos unlocking charm - a door-opening enchantment first used by Hermione in Harry Potter and the Philosopher&aposs Stone.


  But unhappily for Radcliffe, the door stayed firmly shut after he traveled to Toronto to attend a premiere of his movie &aposWhat If&apos and to celebrate his 25th birthday on Wednesday.

  遗憾的是,对雷德克里夫而言,在他前往多伦多参加自己的电影What If的首映式并庆祝25岁生日后,大门被紧紧关上了。

  &aposHe’s stuck in Toronto with visa problems,&apos a source told the New York Post, explaining why he couldn&apost get the rubber stamp in time. &apos[The U.S. embassy&aposs] computer system was down.&apos


  According to the paper, Radcliffe is in the process of upgrading his P-2 visa -- for foreign actors and entertainers -- to an O-1 visa for &aposthe individual who possesses extraordinaryability in the sciences, arts, education, business or athletics&apos.


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