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  Blind date lies are social formulae that are frequently used out of courtesy in blind dates, the most popular one is said to be “let’s keep in touch”.

  相亲谎言(blind date lie)就是相亲时出于礼貌而说的一些客套话,其中最常用的一句是“以后再联系”。

  A survey found that nearly one-third of the respondents admitted that though they may be unwilling to develop a relationship with a person, out of courtesy they frequently say after blind dates that they will keep in touch.


  In all, 35 percent of the male respondents said the most common phrases from women are "this is my first time on a blind date" followed by "I am too busy to make up", and "I cannot drink too much".


  While 47 percent of the female respondents cited "I do not care about a woman&aposs appearance" as the most common words used by men, with "I am too busy to seize the chance to get married" (20 percent), and "You are surely very popular among men" (18 percent), following.


  Meanwhile, "You gave me a good impression" ranks the fourth on both male and female respondents&apos lists of "the most frequently used lies."


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