

苹果“失之东隅 收之桑榆”.

2017/08/14 00:15:34 编辑: 浏览次数:310 移动端


苹果“失之东隅 收之桑榆”

  Voracious demand for the iPhone and iPad in China salvaged Apple’s latest quarterly earnings, as customers in the US and other developed markets opted to wait for the next version of the smartphone.就在美国及其他发达市场消费者选择等待下一款智能手机产品之际,中国对iPhone和iPad的极大需求拯救了苹果公司(Apple)的最新季度盈利。

  Apple blamed speculation about the launch of new larger iPhones in September for causing “purchasing delays”, leaving group sales in the three months to June slightly weaker than expected at $37.4bn.苹果公司认为,人们对于今年9月会推出更大屏新款iPhone的猜测造成了“推迟购买现象”,这导致该集团在截至6月份的3个月中的销售额降至374亿美元——略低于预期。

  A jump in revenue of 28 per cent in greater China – outpacing 6 per cent growth overall – and lower component costs ensured Apple still managed to beat earnings forecasts, with $1.28 per share. Net income rose 11.6 per cent to $7.7bn.而在规模更大的中国市场,苹果的营收却跃升了28%,超过了该集团6%的总体增长率。苹果在中国的高增长以及更低的零部件成本,共同确保它依然成功实现了每股1.28美元的盈利预期。此外,苹果的净收入增加了11.6%,增至77亿美元。

  Expectations for a strong performance by Apple had been rising since it delivered better than forecast iPhone sales in the previous quarter. While Wall Street had forecast iPhone sales of around 37m in the third quarter, Apple reported 35.2m, albeit up 13 per cent on the same quarter a year ago.因此前一季度iPhone销售好于预期,对苹果出现强劲业绩的期待一直在增加。不过,虽然华尔街曾预计今年第三财季苹果将售出大约3700万部iPhone,但苹果报出的数字却是3520万部——尽管这一数字比去年同一季度增加了13%。

  However, Apple chi Tim Cook said that unit growth of the iPhone was “off the charts” in China at 48 per cent, with more to come as its new partner China Mobile rolled out 4G network coverage across the country.不过,苹果首席执行官蒂姆?库克(Tim Cook)表示,iPhone在中国48%的销量增长率“好得离谱”。随着苹果新合作伙伴中国移动(China Mobile)将4G网络覆盖至全中国,iPhone在华销量还会进一步增长。

  Luca Maestri, Apple’s chi finance officer, told the FT in an interview on Tuesday that iPhone sales were “even more impressive because we have started to see some purchase delays, particularly in English-speaking companies, where you read a lot of rumours in the media?.?.?.?It’s typical of this time of the year.”周二,在接受英国《金融时报》采访时,苹果首席财务官卢卡?马埃斯特里(Luca Maestri)表示,iPhone的销量中“更令人印象深刻的是,我们开始发现一定程度的推迟购买现象——尤其是在讲英语的国家。在这些国家,你会在媒体中看到许多传闻……这种现象在每年的这个时候都十分常见。”

  Against the backdrop of a declining US tablet market, iPad sales were also slightly below analysts’ expectations at 13.3m, down from 14.6m last year.


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