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  Aaron Ramsey&aposs Celebrity Death Goal Curse rers to a series of coincidences linked to League team Arsenal&aposs Aaron Ramsey that when Ramsey scores a goal, someone famous dies.


  Ramsey has scored four goals in 2011. When he scored his first goal against Manchester United on May 1, 2011, the next day Osama Bin Laden was shot by US Navy SEALS. In October he scored against Spurs, just three days later Apple boss Steve Jobs passed away. When Ramsey netted against Marseilles, Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi was shot and killed the next day. Then on Saturday, just hours after Ramsey hit the back of the net against Sunderland, Whitney Houston was found dead in the hotel bathroom.


  Coincidence, or does Ramsey really possess the "kick of death?" Guess we&aposll just have to wait until the next time Ramsey registers with the scorers to find out.


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