


刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:295 移动端



  1. Quotes from the episode Game Changer

  Phil: [talking about iPad] It’s a movie theater, a library and a music store all rolled into one awesome pad.

  Alex: [to Haley] A library is a place where people get books.

  Haley: [to Alex] A movie theater is a place where people go on dates.


  2. Quotes from the episode En Garde

  (After Luke accidentally helped Phil to sell a house)

  Phil: [to Claire about Luke] I’m telling you that kid is a genius. [To Luke] There’s the rainmaker (超级说客)!

  Claire: [to Luke] Why is your iPod in your mouth?

  Luke: I’m charging it.


  3. Quotes from the episode Caught in the Act

  Claire: Ok. We need a game plan. We need to rehearse exactly what we are gonna say, because that is the only way I’m gonna hold it together when my babies are looking at me with judgment and disgust.

  Phil: First of all, that’s how they always look at us.


  4. Quotes from the episode Yard Sale

  Cameron: When I was young and straight (异性恋的), I lt a trail of broken hearts like a rock star. I’m not proud of it.

  Mitchell: You’re kinda proud of it. You work it into a lot of conversations.


  5. Quotes from the episode Chirp

  Manny: Where did I hear that siren (汽笛,警报声)?

  Jay: That was your mother screaming.

  Gloria: I wasn’t that bad.

  Jay: Cars were pulling over (靠边停车).


  6. Quotes from the episode Hawaii

  (In a hotel room in Hawaii)

  Manny: Don’t you wanna keep our room neat? You know, in case we entertain.

  Luke: Who would we entertain?

  Manny: I noticed some lovely tweens (年轻女孩) down by the kids’ club. Maybe we can find a nice spot near them by the pool and send over a couple of virgin Mai Tais (无酒精的迈泰酒). They may be interested in two sophisticated men like us.


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