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  And I made you a very rich man doing exactly what you loved! 你喜欢为我干 是因为我使你成了一个非常富有的人

  It must be difficult to let go of something so beautiful. 放弃这么美的东西一定很困难

  When I was a little girl, 当我还是一个小姑娘的时候

  my mama used to lock me in the attic when I was bad, which was pretty often. 每次我做错事 妈妈就会把我锁在阁楼上

  And I would...I would pretend I was a princess... 我就幻想 我是个公主...

  trapped in a tower by a wicked queen. 被邪恶的皇后关在塔楼上

  And then suddenly, this knight... 突然 来了一个骑士...

  on a white horse, with these colours flying, 骑着一匹白马 身后彩云缭绕

  would come charging up and draw his sword. 他举起手 拔出长剑

  And I would wave, and he would climb up the tower and rescue me. 我向他挥手 他就爬上塔楼 把我救了出来

  But never, in all the time... 在我的梦想中...

  that I had this dream, did the knight say to me, 从来没有过一次是骑士对我说

  "Come on, baby. I&aposll put you up in a great condo." "来吧 宝贝 我送你到一个豪华公寓去"

  -So what happened after he climbed up the tower and rescued her? 骑士爬上去救出公主后 发生了什么?

  -She rescues him right back. 她也救了他

  够老了,之前都怀疑自己到底有没有看过了,还是只是以前听过疯狂英语的磁带而已... 现在看来,真是老掉牙了...

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