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  But mostly they talk.


  And we listen.


  How does that happen? Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy are both fine actors, but you’d be hard pressed to sit engrossed in a conversation between any actors that goes on for more than a couple of minutes. Usually. But not here.


  Hawke and Delpy have written the last two films with Linklater (and mainstay Kim Krizan), and their investment in their characters is complete. That helps, of course. So does the unique chemistry between the actors. But that doesn’t fully explain why these movies are so watchable.


  Not that it really matters. What does is how it all comes together so beautifully. And though everyone is older this time around, and the themes are darker, harder to enjoy, the conversation is just as engrossing2. So is the film.


  Jesse (Hawke) and Celine (Delpy), having met on a train in Vienna in Bore Sunris and then finding each other in Paris nine years later in Bore Sunset, are now a couple, with twin daughters. Nine years later, they live in Paris, where Jesse continues to be a successful novelist and Celine a political activist.


  The film begins with the end of a summer long visit in Greece from Jesse’s son Hank (Seamus Davey-Fitzpatrick). Hank has to return to Chicago, where he lives with his mother, Jesse’s ex-wife, who harbors a lingering3, powerful hate for Jesse and Celine. The distance and infrequent visits trouble Jesse, who sees his son’s childhood slipping away.


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