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  "I&aposve just begun at a new job, and am dealing with considerable stress already! There&aposs so much to learn, and the expectations are high. I&aposm worried about the toll all this stress will take on my health. Help!"




  New jobs present many changes and challenges, and it&aposs natural to feel stress over this. There are several things you can do to both relieve stress and combat its fects. Here are some suggestions in dealing with stress at a new job or in any other situation that requires change and adjustment:


  Find Support: If you can, find support from co-workers, from people in your life, and here. Talking about what&aposs stressing you and finding resources in your school should help a lot.


  Quick Stress Relievers: Have some quick stress relievers that you can use when you&aposre feeling overwhelmed. Breathing exercises, for example, can help slow or reverse the fight-or-flight response you experience when stressed, which saves the wear and tear on your health that chronic stress can cause.


  Have a Regular Stress Reli Hobby: Try to maintain some time in your life to do some stress-relieving in your life, so that you feel less stress overall. I strongly recommend regular exercise, having a hobby, or another regular practice that you also enjoy.


  Take Care of Yourself: If you&aposre able to eat right, get enough sleep, and take vitamins, you&aposll be less worn down physically so you&aposll be less reactive to stress, and you&aposll be in better overall health.


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