


2017/08/13 23:17:09 编辑: 浏览次数:325 移动端

  "Star Crossed" and "The Vampire Diaries" vet Malese Jow will guest star as a DC Comics character who could be a new love interest for the fastest man alive on "The Flash."

  《星恋》和《吸血鬼日记》女演员Malese Jow将会客串超级英雄主题美剧《闪电侠》,并在剧中扮演当今世界上移动最快的人闪电侠喜欢的人。

  According to The Hollywood Reporter, Jow will play Linda Park, a "quick-witted" reporter who briends Iris at work and helps her "navigate the fast-paced world of journalism" at the Central City Picture News. Linda and Barry will hit it off when they meet at a bar in episode 12, and sparks might fly.

  据《好莱坞报道者》报道,Jow将会在剧中扮演一个名叫Linda Park的角色,她是个非常聪明的记者,和Iris是好朋友,在工作上帮了Iris不少忙。Linda和Barry在12集一见面就会擦出火花,感情发展得相当快。

  Jow was most recently seen on The CW&aposs woully short-lived alien soap "Star Crossed," and first appeared on the network as the beloved vampire Anna on "TVD."



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