


2017/08/13 23:12:17 编辑: 浏览次数:443 移动端

  网购礼拜一,(Cyber Monday),是最近几年来欧美逐渐流行起来的一个名词。其中的Monday指的是感恩节假期之后的第一个上班日,礼拜一。Cyber Monday 就是感恩节假期之后的第一个上班日的网购促销活动。而在我们身边悄然兴起的双十一购物狂欢,又是有何渊源呢,下面就为大家一一道来。


  In the United States, the lonely have Reddit and cats. In China, they have Singles&apos Day, which falls on Nov. 11 -- 11.11, the four ones symbolizing "bare branches," Chinese slang for bachelors. Thought to have originated about 20 years ago as a joke on college campuses, Singles&apos Day was once an occasion for confessing one&aposs feelings to that special someone. But since 2010, online retailers have transformed the holiday, also known as "Double 11," into an epic online shopping extravaganza akin to America&aposs Cyber Monday.


  China has 271 million online consumers, meaning that almost half of China&aposs 591 million Internet users buy products online. E-commerce sites Taobao and Tmall, which saw a combined $1 trillion in sales in 2012, will both be running promotional campaigns during China&aposs Singles&apos Day. Among the offers: 50 percent discounts on products like boyfriend body pillows and hoodies that read "I am single because I am fat." Amazon.cn declared that the site would sell "20,000 products discounted by as much as 90 percent." That includes a wedding ring, which singles can presumably buy, just in case.


  Jack Ma, founder of Internet giant Alibaba, told Chinese Premier Li Keqiang late last month that Alibaba&aposs sales on Singles&apos Day 2012 were "nearly $3.3 billion" -- more than double the roughly $1.5 billion purchased on Cyber Monday in 2012. For Singles&apos Day 2013, Ma expects sales to exceed $4.9 billion.


  The rise of singletons as a consumer group is not without its own costs. Chinese business magazine Caijing reported that big delivery companies were forced to scramble to find over 100 extra airplanes to handle the 323 million parcels they needed to deliver over the Singles&apos Day shopping period.



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