


2017/08/13 22:37:27 编辑: 浏览次数:409 移动端

  Poor Rebekah Mikaelson -- just when she thinks she&aposs free of her family&aposs complicated dynamics on "The Originals," she&aposs pulled right back in to the drama. In "The Brothers That Care Forgot," Rebekah reunites with her family to help her brother -- and protect the niece she&aposs raising away from the supernatural dangers of New Orleans.

  可怜的Rebekah Mikaelson——就在他以为自己已经摆脱自己吸血鬼始祖家族纷繁斗争的时候,又被拉回来了。在《The Brothers That Care Forgot》中,Rebekah重回新奥尔良帮助自己的哥哥——同时保护自己处于危险中的小侄女Hope。

  "Rebekah comes in and has to bail Elijah out of an awkward circumstance surrounding what he&aposs going through mentally and psychologically," creator Julie Plec tells Zap2it and other reporters on a recent visit to the show&aposs Atlanta set.

  Rebekah的回归会帮助Elijah摆脱他身理和心理目前所处的糟糕情况,“制片人Julie Plec在亚特兰大片场的一次采访中透露。

  Now, she and her brothers must come together to dend Hope from their mother, Holt says.


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