


2017/08/13 22:25:44 编辑: 中国 浏览次数:404 移动端



  This new world record was accomplished during the test run for a train called the CRH380A. According to a report by state-owned Xinhua News Agency, the train hit a topspeed of 486.1 kilometers, or 302 miles, per hour on the tracks between Zaozhuang City of Shandong Province and Bengbu City in eastern Anhui Province, part of a new high-speed rail line that will eventually link Beijing and Shanghai.Zuma Press2010年12月3日,一列中国高速列车在江苏省的徐州火车站准备试发。新的世界纪录是一列“CRH380A”在试运营时创下的。据官方媒体新华社的一篇报道,列车在山东枣庄至安徽蚌埠段试验时最高达到每小时486.1公里的速度。枣庄至蚌埠段所在的新建高速铁路最终将会连通北京和上海。

  The previous record was set in late September when another CRH380A train achieved a top speed of 416.6 kilometers per hour during a test run between Shanghai and Hangzhou, capital city of east China&aposs Zhejiang Province.前一纪录是在9月下旬创下的,当时另一列“CRH380A”在上海和浙江省会杭州之间试运营期间最高时速达到416.6公里。

  &aposIt not only marks a milestone in the construction of the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway, but also is a major achievement of China&aposs technology innovation,&apos Wang Yongping, spokesman of the Ministry of Railways, was quoted by Xinhua as saying.据新华社引述,铁道部发言人王勇平说,这不仅是京沪高铁建设的一个里程碑,也是中国科技创新的一个重大成就。

  Foreign high-speed train producers who taught China how to make bullet trains disagree. Most executives at those companies shy away from commenting on China&aposs high-speed technology out of fear of offending the country&aposs government, but a few who are willing to talk say that while China has succeeded in making the bullet trains go faster, the fundamental technology behind those trains remains more or less identical to the technology foreign companies provided originally half a decade ago.曾向中国传授子弹头列车技术的国外高铁生产商则不同意这种说法。因为担心中国政府不悦,这些公司的多数高管都不愿意对中国的高铁技术置评。但几位愿意说话的人说,中国在提高子弹头列车速度方面取得了成功,但这些列车背后的基本技术,和外国公司最初于五年前提供的那些技术或多或少是一样的。

  &aposWhat China has is the same trains with beed-up propulsion and other tweaked systems&apos to achieve faster speeds, an official from one foreign high-speed rail company says. &aposFundamentally China has made little to no big technological advancements.&apos某外资高铁公司的一位高管说,中国拥有的是同样的列车加上经过增强的推进系统,以及其他为实现更高速度而经过修改的系统;从根本上讲,中国基本没有取得什么重大科技进步。

  It also makes little sense to go at speeds above 400 kilometers an hour if you consider the physics of high-speed trains, the same executive argues. At those speeds, he says, there is so much wheel slippage, and the energy requirements are so high, that &aposit makes no operational sense.&apos同一位高管认为,如果考虑到高铁的物理属性,把速度提高到每小时400公里以上也没什么意义。他说,以这么高的速度,车轮打滑会很严重,能源要求也很高,所以没有任何“运营上的意义”。

  Above 400km, he adds, the wheels and brake systems absorb so much strain that they need to be inspected more frequently for hairline cracks and other damage, which makes cost of operation punishing high.他还说,当时速超过400公里时,车轮和制动系统吸收的压力就会很大,所以需要更加频繁地检测细微的裂纹和其他损坏情况,这样运营成本就会非常高。

  Given all this, it should come as no surprise that the Ministry of Railways is expected to limit the Beijing-Shanghai trains to 380 kilometers an hour once the line is complete.考虑到这一切,铁道部预计将把京沪高铁线建成后的时速限制在380公里以内,应该说就不让人意外了。

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