


2017/08/13 22:14:50 编辑: 浏览次数:444 移动端

  When we last checked in with Hannibal's Mason Verger, he was chopping off chunks of his own face under the fects of hallucinatory drugs (thanks Dr. Lector) and feeding them to Will Graham's dogs.

  我们上一次在《汉尼拔》中见到Mason Verger的时候,他正在毒品造成的幻觉下把自己的脸一条一条割下来喂狗。

  The next time we see him in Hannibal Season 3, he'll not only be sporting a new, radically scarred face, but a new actor will be behind the mask. Joe Anderson will resume the role of Verger from character creator, Michael Pitt.

  而当我们再在《汉尼拔》第三季看到他时,他不仅仅是变成了一张恐怖的畸形脸,而在那张特效畸形脸后扮演这个角色的也是别的演员了。Joe Anderson将会代替Michael Pitt扮演Verger这个角色。

  Apparently Pitt requested not to return to the series and that's where Anderson comes in. It's a very opportune time because the changes to Verger's face will be all kinds of haunting – making the actor unrecognizable.


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