

Tom Cavanagh将《闪电侠》中扮演反派.

2017/08/13 21:56:49 编辑: 浏览次数:297 移动端

  Tom Cavanagh, who plays Dr. Harrison Wells on The Flash, confirmed that he will be doing double-duty as the villain Reverse Flash on Sunday.

  在《闪电侠》中扮演Dr. Harrison的男演员Tom Cavanagh向外确认,他将会在剧中扮演反派逆闪电。

  "[Wells] is the man in the yellow suit," Cavanagh said during a panel discussion, rerencing the comic book villain who killed The Flash's mother.


  Executive producer Andrew Kreisberg hinted that another person may be involved in the Reverse Flash mythology — namely Eddie Thawne (Rick Cosnett). Fans have speculated that Eddie will emerge as Reverse Flash in the series.

  执行制片人Andrew Kreisberg还暗示,还有另一个名叫Eddie Thawne的人也和逆闪电这件事有关。该剧粉丝们纷纷猜测Eddie会是剧中的逆闪电。

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