


2017/08/13 21:49:47 编辑: 法国 浏览次数:692 移动端


  This was not just a historic day for the French. No less remarkable was the attendance of 50 government leaders from across the world. All wanted to express their solidarity with the French people at a dreadful moment in the Fifth Republic’s history. But their presence was also a recognition that the violence which afflicted Paris last week is a worldwide phenomenon. It has hit other cities – London, Brussels, Boston, Ottawa and Sydney – and will doubtless afflict more.这不仅对法国人民来说是历史性的一天,全世界50位政府领导人参加这场游行也是非同寻常的,他们都想在第五共和国历史上的这个悲痛时刻表示与法国人民团结在一起。而他们的到场也表明了上周为祸巴黎的暴力袭击是一个世界性的事件。恐怖分子在其他城市(包括伦敦、布鲁塞尔、波士顿、渥太华和悉尼)已发动过袭击,他们无疑还将为害更多城市。

  After a week of tragedy, all European leaders will now have to start focusing on the tough challenges ahead. The most immediate tasks are for President Fran?ois Hollande and the mainstream French political elite. They must do all they can to maintain – and harness – the display of unity that was on show yesteray and not allow it to slide into political recriminations and tensions.上周的悲剧发生后,所有欧洲领导人现在必须开始专注于今后的严峻挑战。最紧迫的任务在法国总统弗朗索瓦?奥朗德(Fran?ois Hollande)以及法国主流政治精英身上。他们必须尽一切所能,维持(并掌控)像昨天那样展示出的团结一致,不让其滑向政治上的相互指责和紧张状态。

  This is a testing, perhaps dangerous, time for community relations in France. In the aftermath of last week’s murder of 17 people, the far right National Front may grow in support as it seeks to scapegoat France’s Muslim population, the largest in any European state. It is vital that France’s main political leaders do not respond by flirting with the politics of the far-right, making knee-jerk gestures on law and order. Last week’s attacks, like many such atrocities, may have been conducted in the name of Islam. But it was heartening to see French Muslims at yesterday’s demonstration.

  对于法国社群关系来说,这是一个考验的时刻,或许也是危险的时刻。上周17人遇害后,极右翼国民阵线(National Front)获得的支持可能会增加,因为该党试图把法国的穆斯林当作替罪羊。法国的穆斯林人口数量在所有欧洲国家中是最多的。对法国主要政治领导人至关重要的是,不要与极右翼政治玩暧昧,对法律和秩序不经思考地指手画脚。上周的袭击,像许多此类暴行一样,可能是以伊斯兰教的名义进行的。但在昨天的游行中看到法国穆斯林的身影让人振奋。

  France, like all European governments, will want to re-examine its security capability in the aftermath of last week’s attacks. The brothers who conducted these killings were known to the police and had links with Yemen – and yet they managed to build up an arms cache. The French authorities will have to explain to their own citizens how such a lapse could have happened.


  However, the challenge posed by criminals who claim to act in the name of Islam will not be overcome by security policy alone. It requires government agencies to undertake painstaking engagement with Muslim communities, working to deradicalise young people of Islamic faith who might slide into attack planning. No country has had a particularly successful record when it comes to de-radicalisation – even Britain which has made it a focus of policy. But France needs to do more to prevent militant young Muslims living in the banlieues from contemplating violence.


  Over the last 14 years, the US, Spain and Britain have been among the western states scarred by acts of so-called “jihadism.” Now France joins their ranks. In the last decade, the great mistake that the Americans and British made was to respond to such violence by declaring that they were engaged in “a war on terror.” The blunt response of the Bush and Blair administrations seriously inflamed tensions.


  There can be no compromise with the violence we have seen in France in the last week. But the response of the country’s politicians must be guided first and foremost by the diplay of quiet determination they have just seen on the streets of Paris.


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