


2017/08/13 21:47:44 编辑: 浏览次数:343 移动端


  It is important to speak up, and this sometimesmeans disagreeing with your boss. Gettingdisagreements on the table make it possible tochallenge a problem and gain alignment – without this, teams can’t move forward in the samedirection. Also, tensions get buried and that eventually creates problems. With marketschanging so fast, and many business models in transition, real debates on strategy, direction,and targets are extremely critical today.


  But how do you challenge the boss? Personalities are different so there will always bevariations on how to approach this type of discussion, but I think there are three points thatare essential to every conversation:


  1.) Present the facts.Start the conversation with an analytical assessment of how you cameto your conclusion and why your perspective is different. Steer clear of framing your pointsas opinion or emotionally-based.


  2.) Think it through.Chart out the risks and benits of both paths – your recommendationand that of your boss’. Don’t leave room for surprises!


  3.) Own what you’re suggesting.Be transparent about what you can deliver, over whattimrame, and what resources you will need. It’s important to be specific and clear.


  The most dangerous elements of disagreeing with your boss are emotionally chargedconversations, lack of clarity on why you disagree, and confusion about the choices on thetable. Don’t get caught in these traps, and your chances of having a productive talk will begreatly enhanced.


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