


2017/08/13 21:38:38 编辑: 浏览次数:299 移动端

  近日,台湾官员表示,一架载有58名乘客和机组人员的复兴航空(TransAsia Airways)客机周三在台北松山机场起飞后不久在侧飞状态下坠入河中,导致至少31人死亡,还有几人失踪。详细请看下面的双语信息:

  As many as 28 people appeared to have escapedfrom the crash after the plane lurched sickeninglybetween buildings, clipped an overpass with its port-side wing and crashed upside down in the shallow river.


  Dramatic pictures taken by a motorist and posted on Twitter showed the plane cartwheelingover the motorway soon after the turboprop ATR 72-600 aircraft took off in apparently clearweather on a domestic flight for the island of Kinmen.

  一名驾车者拍摄并上传至Twitter的惊险画面显示,这架飞机在高速公路上方侧飞。当时这架ATR 72-600型螺旋桨飞机刚刚起飞,在显然晴朗的天气下执飞前往金门的国内航班。

  Television footage showed survivors wearing life jackets wading and swimming clear ofwreckage. Others, including a young child, were taken to shore by rescuers.


  Emergency rescue officials in inflatable boats crowded around the partially submerged fuselageof flight GE235, lying on its side in the river, trying to help those on board.


  Taiwan’s fire department classified 10 of the passengers as showing “no sign of life” and onekilled. Twenty-eight people had been rescued, it said in a text message, leaving 19 unaccountedfor.


  Other Taiwanese government authorities said the aircraft was carrying 58 passengers andcrew, including 31 tourists from mainland China.


  The plane appeared to miss apartment buildings by metres. Footage showed a van skidding toa halt on the damaged overpass after barely missing the plane’s wing, with small pieces of theaircraft scattered along the road.


  The chi executive of TransAsia, Chen Xinde, bowed deeply at a televised news conference ashe apologised to passengers and crew.


  The last communication from one of the aircraft’s pilots was “Mayday Mayday, engine flame-out”, according to an air traffic control recording on liveatc.net.


  A flame-out occurs when the fuel supply to the engine is interrupted or when there is faultycombustion, resulting in an engine failure. Twin-engined aircraft, however, are usually able tokeep flying even when one engine has failed.


  Taipei’s downtown Songshan airport, the smaller of the city’s two airports, provides mostlydomestic flights but also connections to Japan, China and South Korea.


  A statement from China’s Taiwan Affairs Office said 31 one of those on board were touristsfrom the southeastern city of Xiamen, which lies close to Taiwan’s Kinmen island.


  The crash is the latest in a string of disasters to hit Asian carriers in the past 12 months. AnAirAsia jet bound for Singapore crashed soon after taking off from the Indonesian city ofSurabaya on December 28, killing all 162 people on board.


  Also last year, a Malaysia Airlines jet disappeared and one of its sister planes was downed overUkraine with a combined loss of 539 lives.

  同样在去年,马来西亚航空公司(Malaysia Airlines)的一架客机失踪,另一架客机在飞越乌克兰时被击落,共计有539人遇难。

  TransAsia is Taiwan’s third-largest carrier. One of its ATR 72-500 planes crashed while trying toland at Penghu Island last July, killing 48 of the 58 passengers and crew on board.

  复兴航空是台湾第三大航空公司。去年7月,该公司一架ATR 72-500型客机在澎湖岛尝试降落时失事,导致58名乘客和机组人员中的48人死亡。

  Taiwan has had a poor aviation safety record in recent years, including the disintegration of aChina Airlines Boeing 747 on a flight from Taipei to Hong Kong in 2002, killing 225. In 1998, aChina Airlines A300 crashed while trying to land at Taipei’s main international airport, killing 196.

  近年来台湾在航空安全记录方面表现糟糕。2002年,华航(China Airlines)一架波音747 (Boeing 747)客机在从台北飞往香港途中解体,造成225人遇难。1998年,华航一架空客A300 (Airbus A300)客机在台北主要国际机场试图降落时坠毁,造成196人遇难。

  In 2000, a Singapore Airlines jetliner taking off for Los Angeles during a storm hit constructionequipment on the runway, killing at least 77 people.

  2000年,新加坡航空公司(Singapore Airlines)一架客机在暴风雨中起飞准备前往洛杉矶,结果撞到跑道上的工程机械,造成至少77人死亡。

  The aircraft involved in Wednesday’s crash was among the first of the ATR 72-600s, the latestvariant of the turboprop aircraft, that TransAsia received in 2014 as part of an order of eightaircraft two years earlier.

  周三坠河的飞机是复兴航空在2014年接收的首批最新型ATR 72-600螺旋桨客机之一,两年前该公司订购了8架此型飞机。

  The 72-seat aircraft are mainly used to connect the capital, Taipei, with smaller cities andislands.


  ATR is a joint venture between Airbus and Alenia Aermacchi, a subsidiary of Italy’sFinmeccanica.

  ATR是空客与意大利芬梅卡尼卡(Finmeccanica)子公司阿莱尼亚-马基(Alenia Aermacchi)组建的合资公司。

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