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韩国首尔——作为朝鲜的一名数学教授,张世悦(Jang Se-yul,音)在这个国家属于相对的特权阶层;他可以在餐馆和拥挤不堪的火车上享受专座,更重要的是,在一个许多人需要忍受饥饿的国家里,他可以优先获得政府的食品配给。但是后来,他甘愿冒失去这一切的风险,只为一部来自韩国的肥皂剧。详细请看下面的双语信息:
The temptation in this case was “Scent of a Man,” an 18-episode drama about the forbiddenlove between an ex-convict and his stepsister. A graduate student had offered him the bundleof banned CDs smuggled into the North and, too curious to resist, Mr. Jang and five otherprofessors huddled in one of their homes binge watching until dawn. They were carul to pullthe curtains to escape the prying eyes of neighbors taught to turn in their fellow citizens forseditious activities. But they were caught anyway and demoted to manual labor at a powerplant.
诱惑他的是一部18集的连续剧——《男人的香气》(Scent of a Man),剧情涉及一名前罪犯和随母亲嫁入他家的妹妹之间的禁忌之爱。一名研究生给了他一捆走私至朝鲜的违禁光盘,因为好奇,张世悦和另外五名教授没能抵挡住诱惑,他们挤在其中一人的家中,一口气看到了天亮。他们谨慎地拉上了窗帘,以防止邻居们的窥探,因为政府教导民众要告发从事煽动性活动的其他公民。不过他们还是被抓到了,并被降职到一家发电站从事体力劳动。
Mr. Jang said they most likely escaped prison only because they paid bribes, but facing a lifetimeof social stigma — and having had a glimpse of the comforts of South Korea in “Scent of aMan” — he decided to dect. He now leads a dectors’ group that sends soap operas andother entertainment to the North to try to empower people to demand an end toauthoritarian rule.
“I am sure these soaps have an impact on North Koreans, and I am the proof,” he said. “In thuture, if they spread, they can even help foster anti-government movements. That’s why theNorth Korean authorities are so desperate to stop them from spreading.”
The decidedly lowbrow dramas — with names like “Bad Housewife” and “Red Bean Bread” —have, in fact, become something of a cultural Trojan horse, sneaking visions of the bustlingSouth into the tightly controlled, impoverished North alongside the usual sudsy fare ofbetrayals, bouts of ill-timed amnesia and, at least once, a love affair with an alien.
这些明显很俗气的剧集——它们被冠以“不良主妇”(Bad Housewife)和“甜甜圈”(Red Bean Bread)这样的剧名——实际上已经成了一种文化上的特洛伊木马,除了司空见惯的背叛剧情、不合时宜的失忆桥段,以及至少在一部剧中出现过的人类与外星人的爱情故事,它们还把有关繁华韩国的影像偷偷送到了受到严格管控的贫穷的朝鲜。
North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, has issued increasingly pointed warnings to his subjectsabout the “poisonous elements of capitalism” crossing China’s border with the North,tempting even his Communist elite. Dectors say there has been a severe crackdown onsmugglers, and in the fall, South Korean intelligence reported hearing that Mr. Kim was soshaken by the spread of the soaps that he ordered the execution of 10 Workers’ Partyofficials accused of succumbing to the shows’ allure, according to lawmakers who had beenbried on the matter at a parliamentary hearing.
朝鲜领导人金正恩(Kim Jong-un)向臣民们发出了越来越有针对性的警告,称从中朝边境流入的“资本主义毒素”甚至让共产主义精英都受到了诱惑。脱北者称,走私者受到了严厉打击。在议会的听证会上听取了有关情况的韩国议员们说,去年秋天,韩国情报部门称,他们听说金正恩因为肥皂剧的蔓延而震怒,下令处决了10名被指受到这些剧集诱惑的劳动党(Workers’ Party)官员。
Few people outside North Korea think the TV adventures of the lust-driven and lovelorn couldlead to the overthrow of the Kim family dynasty, which has survived for decades despiteinternational isolation and sanctions. But the infiltration of the dramas into even elite circles,despite the threat of prison or worse, is a potent indication of the challenges Mr. Kim faces ina globalized world. (The swift arrival in the North of at least some bootleg copies of “TheInterview,” the comedy that North Korea viewed as an “act of war,” is another.)
Since he came to power in 2011, Mr. Kim has struggled to open the North just enough to keephis top loyalists happy, plying them with imported goods, while maintaining control in a countrywhere government-installed intercoms in every home still blare reminders of required ideologicaleducation classes. He allowed an estimated two million people, close to 10 percent of thepopulation, to own cellphones, but ensured they could not call abroad. And, despite acrackdown, the country has seemed unwilling, or unable, to fully dismantle the smugglingnetworks that bring in not only banned soap operas, movies and K-pop videos, but also much-needed trade.
Dectors say the soaps have had an outsize impact, less for their often outlandish plots thantheir portrayals of the creature comforts of South Korea — a direct contradiction to decadesof indoctrination about the inferiority of the South, and capitalism. It was those portraits ofwealth, Jeon Hyo-jin said, that inspired her to make the dangerous decision to flee in 2013 atthe age of 18.
脱北者称,肥皂剧的影响力非常大,主要原因并不是离奇的剧情,而是剧中描述的韩国物质上的富足——与几十年来有关韩国和资本主义的低劣灌输截然相反。全孝珍(Jeon Hyo-jin,音)说,正是这些关于富足生活的刻画,促使她做出了危险的决定,在2013年逃离了朝鲜,那一年她18岁。
“The kitchens with hot and cold tap water, people dating in a cafe, cars clogging streets, womenwearing different clothes each day — unlike us who wore the same padded jacket, day in dayout,” said Ms. Jeon, who lives in Seoul. “Through the dramas, I learned how strange my owncountry was, how full of lies.”
North Korea is one of the last frontiers for South Korea’s soap operas, which have foundgrowing audiences worldwide, including in the United States and in such unlikely places asCuba. The reasons for the widespread appeal are not entirely clear. Some people credit theiremotionally charged plots; others the enviable fashions that are part of the “Korean Wave.”
But in North Korea, dectors say, the reasons are obvious. The two Koreas share an ancientculture and language. And what counts as entertainment north of the border is severelylimited, especially since all TVs and radios are preset to receive only state broadcasts.
“In North Korean movies,” said Ms. Jeon, “it’s all about loyalty to the leader and the party; thestate bore love. You should be ready to die for the leader, blah blah. In South Korean dramas,it was different. I found a whole new world there.”
Most of the border trade is driven by money, dectors said, not ideology, but some dectorsand pro-democracy groups also help arrange for the contraband material to be smuggled intothe North.
The flow of entertainment began in the 1990s with the first real fissures in the North’s almostimpregnable information blockade. In the face of a devastating famine, desperate NorthKorean authorities began turning a blind eye to people crossing into China to seek food andother goods to sell at home.
Foreign video tapes, CDs and DVDs, as well as cheap Chinese devices to play them, quicklybecame black market best-sellers.
Recognizing the danger, Mr. Kim’s father, Kim Jong-il, who died in 2011, set up swat teams thatbarged into homes, cutting off the electricity bore entering to prevent viewers from removingdiscs from their DVD players. But dectors say the suppliers have worked hard to foilinspectors, importing battery powered DVD players as well as more easily hidden flash drives.
意识到其中的风险后,金正恩已于2011年去世的父亲金正日(Kim Jong-il)建立了搜查民宅的突击队。他们会在闯入之前切断电源,以防偷看的人把碟片从DVD机中取出。不过,根据脱北者的描述,为了糊弄搜查人员,供应商使出了浑身解数,偷运了使用电池的DVD机,还有更容易藏起来的闪存盘。
“It’s a cat-and-mouse game,” said Chung Kwang-il, another dector, who runs a smugglingoperation. “These days, they call me to ask for specific soaps and K-pop music videos so theycan beat competition in the markets. It’s not a one-way flow anymore.”
“这是个猫鼠游戏,”经营着走私生意的脱北者郑光日(Chung Kwang-il,音)说。“如今,他们会给我打电话,点名要带某些肥皂剧和韩国流行音乐的视频,这样才能在市场竞争中取胜。这已经不是单向流动了。”
Analysts and dectors alike say there are limits to how much outside entertainment canaccomplish. A recent study by Seoul National University’s Institute for Peace and Unification of149 recent dectors showed that more than eight in 10 had been exposed to South Koreanmovies or songs bore fleeing the North. But most of them lived in areas close to China, whereit is easier for smugglers to maneuver, and it is unclear how widely such entertainment hasspread.
分析人士与脱北者均表示,境外娱乐作品能取得的成效是有限的。首尔大学统一和平研究所(Institute forPeace and Unification)近期以149名脱北者为对象开展的一项研究显示,逾80%的人在逃离朝鲜之前接触过韩国的电影或歌曲。不过,他们当中,多数人当初居住在靠近中国的区域,那里比较便于偷运者施展神通。而且,此类娱乐作品的覆盖面究竟有多广,也没有定论。
Still, the dectors say that the soaps are a potent tool for exposing North Koreans to theoutside world after years of mixed results from official psychological warfare that includedshortwave radio broadcasts and propaganda messages blared over the border fromloudspeakers in the South.
For some North Koreans, the emotional tug of the soaps was powerful enough to change theirlives, forever.
Kim Seung-hee, 24, is one. She watched her first drama, “Stairway to Heaven,” courtesy ofsoldiers who asked to use her home for safe watching, and was hooked immediately, drawn notonly to South Korea’s freedoms, but also to the promise of love in a more open society.
24岁的金崇熙(Kim Seung-hee,音)就是这样的一个例子。她看的第一部韩国电视剧是《天国的阶梯》(Stairway to Heaven),因为有几名军人为了安全看片而借用了她的住所。她马上就被迷住了,不仅是韩国的种种自由,还有在一个更开放的社会里收获爱情的诱惑。
“South Korean men in the films had such good manners toward women, unlike North Koreanmen who like to order us around,” she said. “It made me yearn for South Korea, dreaming ofmeeting such a man.”
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲