


刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:337 移动端

  An opera performer, right, prepares bore showing on stage during the 2015

  China Central Television New Year's Gala, also known as

  the Spring Festival Gala, in Beijing, Feb 18. [Photo/IC]

  The telecast audience ratings of China Central Television's Spring Festival gala, or Lunar New Year's Eve gala, dropped to an 8-year low with 690 million viewers, while the number of the show's online streaming watchers hit a world record high, according to data released by the national television station.


  “收视率”在英文中多用ratings表示,“直播节目收视率”就是telecast ratings。央视春晚(China Central Television's Spring Festival gala)虽然近几年收视连续下滑,但是作为普通民众除夕夜的传统节目,还是受到不少人的喜爱。今年春晚虽然收视率下降,但是人均收视时长(per capita viewing time)为155.5分钟,比起去年的人均66分钟大幅增长。

  另外,央视今年首次向商业视频网站出售直播版权(copyrights for live streaming),截至19日,羊年春晚在该网站取得了最高同时在线人数超1400万的惊人成绩,创下了全球单平台网络直播纪录。


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