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  All of the preceding paragraph is true, except for one detail: the first quotation is from DavidCameron, then leader of the opposition, in 2006. The second is from Ed Miliband, the currentleader of the opposition, a couple of weeks ago. Both men are united, it seems, by a feelingthat the most familiar economic measuring stick, GDP (Gross Domestic Product), just isn’t upto the job. Cameron wanted to gather data on wellbeing or happiness; Miliband wants a “costof living” index. Few reasonable people can object to gathering timely and authoritativeeconomic and social statistics, yet Miliband and Cameron have managed the impressive feat ofbeing cynical and naive at the same time.

  上述段落的所有内容都是真实的,只有一个细节例外:第一个引语是2006年戴维?卡梅伦(David Cameron)所说,当时他是反对党领袖。第二个是现任反对党领导人埃德?米利班德(Ed Miliband)几个星期前所讲。两人看起来都有一种相同的感觉:人们最熟悉的经济衡量标尺国民生产总值(GDP)已经不合用。卡梅伦要收集关于福祉或幸福的数据;米利班德想要一个“生活成本”指数。没有多少理性的人反对收集及时、权威的经济和社会统计数据,但米利班德和卡梅伦两人做到了不容易的事,那就是表现得既犬儒又幼稚。

  The cynical motives in both cases are plain enough — as were, for example, Nicolas Sarkozy’swhen, as French president, he commissioned some alternative economic measures that justhappened to be more flattering to France. As the leader of a party with a reputation for likingfree markets and low taxes, Cameron wanted to soften his image and suggest a broader, morecaring perspective. Miliband is trying to replace a government that is presiding over a suddenuptick in GDP, so naturally he wishes to point the spotlight somewhere else.

  这两种情况下的犬儒动机是显而易见的——就像尼古拉?萨科齐(Nicolas Sarkozy)还是法国总统的时候那样,他委托出炉了一些另类的经济衡量指标,而这些指标恰好展现法国的长处。作为以崇尚自由市场和低税收出名的保守党的领导人,卡梅伦希望软化自己的形象,暗示一种更包容更澳际的视角。米利班德正试图取代一个成功推动英国GDP突然出现起色的政府,因此,他很自然地想把聚光灯投射到别的地方。

  The naivety requires more statistical digging to uncover, and it’s in three parts. The first pointis that many of these data already exist. The Office for National Statistics asks questions aboutwellbeing as part of the Labour Force Survey. The ONS also publishes regular data on inflation,while wage data are in the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings. Neither Cameron nor Milibandwas really asking the statisticians at the ONS to do something new, just to do it more often orin more detail.

  揭露幼稚的一面需要挖掘更多统计数据,这需要分为三部分。第一点是,许多此类数据早已存在。英国国家统计局(ONS)在劳动力调查(Labour Force Survey)中问到有关福祉的问题。该局也定期发布通胀数据,而工资数据包含在工时和薪资年度调查(Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings)中。卡梅伦和米利班德并非真的要求国家统计局的统计学家拿出新花样,而只是希望统计的次数更频繁或者内容更加详细。

  The second point is that no mainstream politician has ever regarded GDP (or its cousin GrossNational Product) as the only worthwhile policy objective, although we are often invited todraw that conclusion. Robert Kennedy’s famous complaint that GNP counts “napalm” and“nuclear warheads” but not “the health of our children” or “the strength of our marriages” waswonderful rhetoric — but surely nobody believes that if only the statisticians had collecteddifferent data, divorce would be prevented and the Vietnam war would never have happened.

  第二点是,从来没有主流政治人物将GDP(或者国民生产总值(GNP))作为唯一有价值的政策目标,尽管我们经常容易得出这一结论。罗伯特?肯尼迪(Robert Kennedy)曾经说,GNP计入了“凝固汽油弹”和“核弹头”,却没有包括“我们孩子的健康”或者“我们婚姻的力量”;他的这一著名抱怨虽言辞美妙,但谁能相信只要统计学家收集了不同的数据,离婚就可以被阻止,而越南战争就永远不会发生呢?

  An acerbic comment in Nature last year complained that, “Despite the destruction wroughtby the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010 and Hurricane Sandy in 2012, both events boostedUS GDP because they stimulated rebuilding.” But this is only a problem if the DeepwaterHorizon spill was in some way caused by the collection of GDP data.

  去年,《自然》(Nature)杂志上的一个尖刻评论抱怨道:“虽然2010年‘深水地平线’(Deepwater Horizon)石油泄漏和2012年飓风桑迪(Hurricane Sandy)造成了巨大破坏,但这两个事件提振了美国GDP,因为它们刺激了重建工作。”但是,只有在“深水地平线”石油泄漏是GDP数据收集以某种方式所导致的情况下,这才是一个问题。

  If politicians truly sought to maximise GDP they would immediately abolish all planningrestrictions, all barriers to immigration and a good chunk of the welfare state. These ideas arepolitical suicide, which proves that GDP is not the sole objective of public policy — it’s just away to try to measure the size of the economy.


  The deepest piece of naivety is the idea that — in Ed Miliband’s words — we can measure theone single “thing that matters most”. ONS data on median wages are a case in point. Accordingto one measure, the median wage for people in full-time employment rose just 0.1 per cent inthe past tax year — well below the rate of inflation. According to another way of calculatingexactly the same number, median wages rose by 4.1 per cent, well above the rate of inflation. (The median is the wage earned by someone slap in the middle of the sample.)


  How can that be? The lower measure is the median for the entire sample. The higher measurelooks at the median wage of people who’ve been in the same job for the entire year — the vastmajority. The two numbers would differ if — for example — some high-income people retiredand some low-income people joined the labour force (school-leavers? immigrants?). It’s possiblor most people to enjoy a decent pay rise while median wages stagnate, and that may be whatis happening now. One rather narrow question — “how are things going for people in full-timeemployment in the middle of the income distribution?” — turns out to have two very differentanswers. Each one is perfectly justifiable.


  We haven’t even got into questions of part-timers, the self-employed, the poorest, the richest,pensioners or benit recipients. The idea that we can somehow measure “the thing thatmatters most” is quite absurd.


  It’s the duty of our official statisticians to provide a range of timely and objective statisticsthat will lead to better decisions. That is why so many different types of data must be gathered,analysed and published. It is a hard job, which is why the ONS has better things to do thanhelp our schoolboy politicians score points off each other.


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